On 4/21/14, 11:25 AM, Luke Bakken wrote:
If possible, could you please mail me directly your app.config,
vm.args and archive of log files (/var/log/riak) from one node, and
HAProxy configuration?
Let me check into this, I might be able to get you a copy of these after
they have been appropriat
Hi Adam,
If possible, could you please mail me directly your app.config,
vm.args and archive of log files (/var/log/riak) from one node, and
HAProxy configuration?
Have you tried having HAProxy as the SSL endpoint and then use
unencrypted HTTP traffic between HAProxy and Riak? I believe it's
We have a 5-node Riak cluster and we're having problems keeping the HTTPS
listener running properly. The problem typically manifests itself a few
hours after Riak is started. When it happens, the HTTPS listener on a Riak
node will accept new connections but will never respond to them.
Connections m