Thanks man, we have it running on 1.2 in dev with the ubuntu packages and
plan to roll it out in staging soon. All our servera run sudo so we're
good. Didn't even notice that dep.
-Bip Thelin
On 28 aug 2012, at 18:39, Jared Morrow wrote:
In testing debian for another use, I went ahead an
In testing debian for another use, I went ahead and tested the Ubuntu
packages on Debian Squeeze. Our Ubuntu "natty" package installs cleanly
and works on Debian, with a needed dependency on 'sudo' which is not
installed by default on Debian.
On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 2:39 AM, B
Are there any debian 6 packages for Riak Enterprise planned? I only see Ubuntu.
Bip Thelin
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