Re: Riak CS 2 backend config confusion

2015-06-03 Thread Shunichi Shinohara
Hi Toby, Current versions for Riak CS system are: Riak CS 2.0.x and it is tested with Riak 2.0.x. Sorry for confusion, but the document you pointed is for the combination. You can use the configuration steps using advanced.config in the doc. We are now in development of Riak CS 2.1 and prefix_mul

Riak CS 2 backend config confusion

2015-06-01 Thread Toby Corkindale
Hi I'm in the process of moving from a Riak 1.4.x w/CS installation, to a Riak CS 2 installation, and I'm confused by comments in the riak.conf compared to the documentation online for riak cs, regarding the backend. riak.conf contains the following lines: ## Specifies the storage engine used fo