Oh hell no. But in practice that all depends on the client (you could
theoretically have a client that understood some SQL dialect and
translated it to riak speak). You would have to do an m/r to get a
list of all keys that have that link (which hopefully you have already
been maintaining)
Thanks Alexander,
Is there any facility in riak that enables me to do something like this:
UPDATE obj set link=nil where link='Blah';
Kind regards,
On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 5:51 PM, Alexander Sicular wrote:
> Riak links are unidirectional and non-reciprocal. If you did not
> explixitly se
Riak links are unidirectional and non-reciprocal. If you did not
explixitly set a link on the child to the parent then it does not
exist. If you did set links on the children then a traversal/loop will
work but remember to include the body (value) in the rewrite. Write
links + body or you lose the
Hi all,
I have a link between Parent object and Child objects
-- Child1
-- Child2
-- Child3
Now when I delete Parent, I want the links from Child to Parent to be
removed as well.
I can traverse/loop through all the Children that Parent have and remove the
link one by one, but I was