Re: Riak 2.0 search changes

2014-04-23 Thread Ryan Zezeski
Alexander, > 1. Does it support wildcards in a middle or start? *abc, a*bc, Riak Search 2.0 (Yokozuna) is based on Apache Solr. Any queries supported by Solr's distributed search are supported by Search 2.0 over HTTP. The PB API has not been altered for Search 2.0 (with the exception of presort)

Re: Riak 2.0 search changes

2014-04-23 Thread Sean Cribbs
Hi Alexander, I'm not sure about wildcards or presort, but the 2.0 search is based on Apache Solr. Essentially anything Solr can do, Riak Search 2.0 can do (There are a few limitations but I don't recall what they are.) On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 4:52 AM, Alexander Popov wrote: > 1. Does it suppor