gen_server to gather statictics with folsom
Hi Sergey,
First, sorry for missing your first post. I just didn't see it.
I'll try and answer your questions.
> 1. Why separate gen_servers (riak_api_stat, riak_core_stat,
> riak_kv_stat) were used to gather statistics instead of the
Hi Sergey,
First, sorry for missing your first post. I just didn't see it.
I'll try and answer your questions.
> 1. Why separate gen_servers (riak_api_stat, riak_core_stat,
> riak_kv_stat) were used to gather statistics instead of the direct calls to
> folsom_metrics through some more hig
Hi guys,
Any updates on these questions?
I’ve read the following blog entry and
still haven’t found the answers.
As far as I understand riak_core_stat_cache caches stats using ets, so I’m
wondering why statistics that is