I know it's a few extra steps, but I've had success using node.js and
riak-js(http://riakjs.com) to debug MapReduce
I'm actually working on a new app called Refraction that will be a Futon
(CouchDB) like interface for Riak. I hope to have that available as open source
in the next few weeks.
On 25 September 2013 03:44, Toby Corkindale
> Have you tried executing your javascript outside of Riak?
> ie. paste the function into the Chrome debugger, then call it with a
> Riak-like data structure.
The problem with this approach is I need to make some assumptions on
what the dat
On 25/09/13 11:20, Charl Matthee wrote:
I am trying to run the following mapreduce query across my cluster:
# curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type:
application/json" -d '{"inputs":"tweets",
"query":[{"map":{"language":"javascript", "source":"function(value,
You're using single quotes in a JS program which is itself in single quotes -
so they don't get to be part of the program, so the "/tmp/m..." part looks to
JS like a bad regex. Hence the error message.
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