You can't remove an index if there is still a bucket referencing it via
'search_index'. You must remove that property from every referring bucket first.
On Dec 11, 2014, at 10:54 AM, Geoff Garbers wrote:
> Hey Luke.
> There are actually some legacy items within Riak that still use th
Hey Luke.
There are actually some legacy items within Riak that still use the global
search index - so we haven't yet had a need to remove it. It's good to know
that there is a way to remove it though.
And just a side question - I take it you're able to remove a search index
even if there are sti
Hi Geoff,
Are you having issues removing the old "global" index? You should be
able to delete it this way:
curl -XDELETE riak-host:8098/search/index/global
> Is it safe to mess with anything within the Solr admin interface (is there a
> possibility of corruption from Riak -> Solr, or vice versa
Hey all.
When our company started out with Riak, there were some choices made with
regards to indexing that are now coming back to bite us. Currently,
*everything* in our Riak cluster is being indexed (dynamicField * indexed
as text_general).
We've learnt a lot about Riak and Solr since then, and