Thanks a lot for this brief explanation, Martin!
Felipe Esteves
Tel.: (21) 3504-7162 ramal 57162
Skype: felipe2esteves
2017-06-27 13:55 GMT-03:00 Martin Sumner :
> Felipe,
> I've not played around with this myself. However, after a brief look at
I've not played around with this myself. However, after a brief look at
the bitcask code, it looks like a timestamp is given to each object as it
is written to bitcask - to represent the time it was written, not the time
it will expire. The expiry_time is part of the state of the bitcask
any hint on this question?
Felipe Esteves
Tel.: (21) 3504-7162 ramal 57162
Skype: felipe2esteves
2017-06-21 16:35 GMT-03:00 Felipe Esteves :
> Hi,
> If I have a Riak cluster with bitcask expiry turned on, let's say, 14
> days, and then change
If I have a Riak cluster with bitcask expiry turned on, let's say, 14 days,
and then change it to *bitcask.expiry=off* before any expiration occurs,
all my data will be preserved? Or all data prior to the parameter change
could still expiries based on the previous deadline?
Riak is version 2.