Re: [SOLR] different number of result on same query

2014-10-22 Thread Eric Redmond
Yes, that should resolve the issue. Thanks for the feedback. On Oct 22, 2014, at 11:50 AM, Alexander Popov wrote: > Initially it was 1 node, upgraded from 1.4.8. > Than I add second node, and than added another 3 nodes before transfer to > second is finished. > > There was several hangs whi

Re: [SOLR] different number of result on same query

2014-10-22 Thread Alexander Popov
Initially it was 1 node, upgraded from 1.4.8. Than I add second node, and than added another 3 nodes before transfer to second is finished. There was several hangs while transferring between nodes, and I was restart they several times. Should re-save problematic records helps with this issue?

Re: [SOLR] different number of result on same query

2014-10-22 Thread Eric Redmond
Have you added/removed nodes from the cluster, or did you start populating data before the cluster was done being built? You may have ran into a known handoff bug that we're currently working on. Eric On Oct 22, 2014, at 11:32 AM, Alexander Popov wrote: > Also if run query with specific id,

Re: [SOLR] different number of result on same query

2014-10-22 Thread Alexander Popov
Also if run query with specific id, on internal_solr directly on each host, for this problematic id it founds only on 2 hosts, but other id's found on 3 of them. On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 10:18 PM, Alexander Popov wrote: > RIAK 2.0.1, 5 nodes on different hosts > > > query: > comments_index?q=own

[SOLR] different number of result on same query

2014-10-22 Thread Alexander Popov
RIAK 2.0.1, 5 nodes on different hosts query: comments_index?q=owner:6d87f18a3dca4a60b0fc385b1f46c165%20AND%20target:35975db44af44b2494751abddfcfe466&fl=id&wt=json&rows=15 RESULT1: { responseHeader: { status: 0, QTime: 3, params: { "_yz_pn:56 OR _yz_pn:41 OR _yz_pn:26 OR _yz_pn: