Re: +zdbbl recommended value

2013-07-15 Thread Guido Medina
Thanks for the quick answers Jared & Kelly, +zdbbl 16384 is working ok for our production cluster (5 nodes), but for development for some large 2i (a list of keys of 4m+) I get some time-outs so I asked the question, cause there are memory implications, I will try 32768 at our dev cluster (4 n

Re: +zdbbl recommended value

2013-07-15 Thread Jared Morrow
Guido, So higher +zdbbl numbers will allow for larger message buffers, but at the expense of memory usage. We've actually added better wording in the default vm.args file for 1.4+ So I guess the best answer is trial & error. We add

Re: +zdbbl recommended value

2013-07-15 Thread Kelly McLaughlin
Hi Guido. The docs section you referenced is for RiakCS. We do recommend a substantially higher value for zdbbl when using RiakCS because the object data being stored is divided into 1MB chunks which is still a relatively large object size for Riak to handle. Riak used by itself may not need the va

+zdbbl recommended value

2013-07-15 Thread Guido Medina
Hi, We had an issue in 1.4 where 2i operations were timing out, after going through support we were suggested to use "+zdbbl 16384", on the "Configuring Riak Docs" it is strongly suggested (unless doc need to be re-phrased) it should be higher: *Source:*