Re: Updating data in a production setup

2012-04-18 Thread vijayakumar
virtual cores with 2 EC2 Compute Units each) 850 GB instance storage 64-bit platform I/O Performance: High API name: m1.large Thanks and Regards, Vijayakumar. On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 10:58 PM, Mark Phillips wrote: > On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 6:43 AM, vijayakumar wrote: > >> Mark, &g

Re: Updating data in a production setup

2012-04-18 Thread vijayakumar
Mark, Thanks for your help. I could say the number of keys would be in the range of millions and total number of buckets is 4. Regards, Vijayakumar. On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 9:15 PM, Mark Phillips wrote: > Hi Vijayakumar, > > > On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 2:57 AM, vijayakumar wr

Updating data in a production setup

2012-04-14 Thread vijayakumar
run a mapreduce on existing buckets and update the records? I am not find any help links for the above mentioned migration. Riak Version:1.1 Thanks and Regards, Vijayakumar. ___ riak-users mailing list

Problem while trying multi get in mapreduce.

2012-04-11 Thread vijayakumar
"map":{"language":"javascript","name":"Riak.mapValuesJson","keep":true}}]} This returns an empty response for a valid existing key. It tried the same query through http interface (http://server-ip:8098/mapred) with content-type as application/js

Re: RiakSearch returns all the records when the search term is of the form "_".

2012-02-29 Thread vijayakumar
Thanks Ryan. Yes changing analyzer fixes the issue. Regards, Vijayakumar. On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 11:18 AM, Ryan Zezeski wrote: > Vijayakumar, > > You must be using the standard analyzer [1] for "Field 1" which will split > on '_' and drop '1'. You

RiakSearch returns all the records when the search term is of the form "_".

2012-02-29 Thread vijayakumar
d1 with queryterm as "field_a" solr search returns both key1 and key2 instead of key1 alone. Regards, Vijayakumar. ___ riak-users mailing list

Inconsistency while writing and reading in quorum level.

2012-02-29 Thread vijayakumar
RiakObject fetched = bucket.fetch(key).r(Quora.QUORUM).execute(); Number of nodes in riak-server-cluster:3 Riak Client Version : 1.4.0 All the default properties of the buckets are retained as it is. Am I missing anything else? Kindly help me out. Regards, V

Shutdown for IRiakClient in 1.0.3.

2012-02-28 Thread vijayakumar
Hi, I am using riak 1.0.3 client, it doesn't have a shutdown method. Is there any workaround to shutdown the client ? maven-fragment of version: com.basho.riak riak-client 1.0.3 Thanks and Regards, Vijaya

How to specify write consistency level in riak java client 0.14 version

2011-11-17 Thread vijayakumar
Hi, I am using riak java client 0.14 version to insert records, but I am not able to locate any method or options to specify write consistency level. Store method has the following signature store(RiakObject obj). Am I missing anything else? Kindly help me out. Regards, Vijayakumar

Re: Unable to access solr port.

2011-10-20 Thread vijayakumar
Hi Dan, Appending with select also doesn't help. "curl http://:8098/solr//select?q=" returns the following response 404 Not FoundNot FoundThe requested document was not found on this server.mochiweb+webmachine web server Regards, Vijay. On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 9:37 PM, Dan Reverri wrote: >

Unable to access solr port.

2011-10-20 Thread vijayakumar
Hi, I installed riaksearch-0.14 version and I am able to define schema and query records with command line interface (search-cmd). But I am facing issue when I try to query the records with solr interface. "curl http://:8098/solr/bucketname?q=" returns the following response 404 Not FoundNot F

modifying n_val for a bucket

2011-09-26 Thread vijayakumar
Hi, Is n_val a one time setting for a bucket? Can it be changed as nodes are added/removed from the cluster? Will the change redistribute the objects? Regards, Vijayakumar. ___ riak-users mailing list http

Riak indexing issue with PBClient

2011-09-20 Thread vijayakumar
Record: {"accountid":"testaccount","name":"testapplication","status":"activated"} Thanks, Vijayakumar ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: Link Walking with PB-Client.

2011-09-15 Thread vijayakumar
Thanks Rusell. I compiled the master code base but still I couldn't find the way to link way in pb. On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 3:21 PM, Russell Brown wrote: > > On 15 Sep 2011, at 10:46, vijayakumar wrote: > > > I learnt from the mailing list that there is no direct way to lin

Link Walking with PB-Client.

2011-09-15 Thread vijayakumar
I learnt from the mailing list that there is no direct way to link walk on PBClient as we do with HttpClient. Has any one implemented it on their own. If so, kindly share me the patch. Thanks. ___ riak-users mailing list http:/

Re: Riak search installation failure.

2011-09-08 Thread vijayakumar
Hi Jermiah, Linux version 2.6.18-128.el5 ( (gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-44)) is the unix version. I am able to install and start riak successfully however riak-search make fails. Regards, Vijayakumar. On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Jeremiah

Riak search installation failure.

2011-09-08 Thread vijayakumar
resolving this issue. Thanks, Vijayakumar. ___ riak-users mailing list

Riak Cluster between nodes in different ec2 zones.

2011-08-11 Thread vijayakumar
How to enable communication between different riak nodes if they are in ec2 instances of different zones with different security groups? (However I am able to form a clusters between nodes in same zone of ec2 with the documentation available in net). -- View this message in context: http://riak-

Re: Facing broken pipe issue while benchmarking java-PBClient with YCSB

2011-08-11 Thread vijayakumar
Hi Russell, I was trying with REST API port (8098) instead of PB client port. Now I am able to get it working. Regards, Vijayakumar. On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 2:12 AM, Russell Brown-2 [via Riak Users] <> wrote: > Hi, > A couple of

Riak PB client fails to fetch a record out of 5 million records in a bucket.

2011-08-11 Thread vijayakumar
I have installed riak in 4 ec2 instances and formed a ring out of it with default replication factor (3). I created a bucket and populated it with 5 million records. If I try to fetch a record using riak PB client (specifying ip of particular ec2 instance), it returns empty values. But I could fetc

Riak cluster of 2 nodes in ec2 with different security groups

2011-08-09 Thread vijayakumar
How to enable communication between different riak nodes if they are in ec2 instances of different zones with different security groups. I am able to form a clusters between nodes in same zone of ec2? ___ riak-users mailing list

Facing broken pipe issue while benchmarking java-PBClient with YCSB

2011-08-02 Thread vijayakumar
I am trying to benchmark riak client with YCSB and I am getting the following exception while trying to fetch from riak client. Am I missing any tunable parameters in server or client settings? Code snippet (method implementation for YCSB-DB): public int read(String table, String key, Set fields,