Re: Riak - low throughput

2013-02-21 Thread catchme
Yes, they run on the same physical hardware. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Riak Users mailing list archive at ___ riak-users mailing list r

Re: Riak - low throughput

2013-02-21 Thread catchme
* What type of hardware are these three nodes? Using Redhat UNIX servers 4 vCPU - Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU;31GB memory * Can you provide a gist of the script? Using Jmeter to send the requests. Have 4 threads sending requests to these nodes continously * What client library are you using? Java protoco

Riak - low throughput

2013-02-20 Thread catchme
I have configured Riak using 3 nodes n_val=3 dw=1 w=1 r=1 Using memory backend The throughput is very low. Results after running the script for 10 mins #samples 90% Line Throughput 408679 17 683/sec I am doing reads and writes to all the nodes. How do I improve the throughput?

Re: store performance

2013-01-07 Thread catchme
Could you provide an example of using Multi-threading on the client? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Riak Users mailing list archive at ___ ria

store performance

2013-01-02 Thread catchme
Hello, I am trying to store 1543400 records using the memory backend. I have a basic cluster setup with 2 nodes.. I am using the pbcClient Bucket b = client.createBucket("test_bucket1").nVal(1).execute(); //store object StoreObject storeObject =