Re: riakc_pb_socket:search Issue

2011-05-02 Thread Wilson Tuladhar
Hi, >From what i can see and what i have used is u should use your DB name as string not binary. //Wilson On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 6:42 PM, Muhammad Yousaf wrote: > Hi, > > I dont know for some reasom my riakc_pb_socket:search command is not > working > > this is what i am doing > > $ {ok,Client}

Re: Riak shutdown during heavy load testing

2011-05-02 Thread Wilson Tuladhar
.com > > > > On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 5:57 AM, Wilson Tuladhar > wrote: > >> Hi, >> >> Here the error that get logged into sasl-error.log file. >> >> =ERROR REPORT 29-Apr-2011::14:45:37 === >> ** State machine <0.3117.0> terminat

riak search wildcard search

2011-05-02 Thread Wilson Tuladhar
Hi, I was trying out the wildcard search and i found out one interesting thing that the wildcard search doesn't work when i specify only one character. Is it a bug or is it some kind of protection mechanism to enforce faster output. Say if I do riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, DB, "f_name:Wi*"), it gi

Re: Riak shutdown during heavy load testing

2011-04-29 Thread Wilson Tuladhar
sts:foldr(fun(Key, Acc) -> [binary_to_list(Key)|Acc] end, [], List)}. %% select the Key and get the values to return select(DB, Key, Values_to_return) -> {ok, Pid} = riakc_pb_socket:start_link("", 8087), Ret = case riakc_pb_socket:get(Pid, list_to_binary(DB),

Riak shutdown during heavy load testing

2011-04-29 Thread Wilson Tuladhar
Hi, I am using riaksearch with erlang client and i have made an API that does for the select, insert and other such stuffs. I have built an web application on top of it and everything works fine when i do the manual testing. But now when i am using the automated load testing through Tsung by send

Re: is there auto-increment functionality in riak??

2011-03-22 Thread Wilson Tuladhar
ot expose any data structures and is > generally > > opaque to values. > > > > Check out redis or what Twitter is doing with Cassandra re. distributed > > counters. > > > > > > @siculars on twitter > > > > > &

is there auto-increment functionality in riak??

2011-03-22 Thread Wilson Tuladhar
hi, I was wondering if there is some functionality to define the key such that it is auto-incremented during the insert process. If not, what may be the elegant solution to achieve this?? //Wilson ___ riak-users mailing list h

Re: riak make fail

2011-03-03 Thread wilson Tuladhar
lready installed. > the same error is coming again, > > Do I need to install erlang R14B01 ??? > > > > > On 3 March 2011 14:06, wilson Tuladhar wrote: > >> Hi Mohammad, >> >> It seems that you don't have crypto module of erlang installed. >> *sud

Re: riak make fail

2011-03-03 Thread wilson Tuladhar
Hi Mohammad, It seems that you don't have crypto module of erlang installed. *sudo apt-get install libssl-dev* * * and then recompile the erlang and then this module should be installed. To check if it is installed, go to erlang shell and do erl> l(crypto). and you should get the module loaded re

indexing problem

2011-02-25 Thread wilson Tuladhar
Hi, Can anyone tell me how one can index the data into riak using an Erlang Client?? I want to do something like this search:index_doc(<<"my_index">>, <<"my_doc">>, [{<<"title">>, <<"The Title">>}, {<<"content">>, <<"The Content">>}]) but this will only work on the server node and i want to inde

What is the most efficient way to store data

2011-02-23 Thread wilson Tuladhar
Hi, I am using Riak for the first time and I have been looking into it for couple of days now. I know that Riak is a key-value store and the data are kept in a bucket specifying the key and its values. Now what I would like to know is what is the most efficient way to store the data so the data re

not able to create schema

2011-02-23 Thread wilson Tuladhar
Hi, For indexing my data, I have created a schema as { schema, [ {version, "1.0"}, {default_field, "fname"}, {default_op, "or"}, {n_val, 3}, {analyzer_factory, {erlang, text_analyzers, whitespace_analyzer_factory}} ], [ %% Parse the field in

about riak search

2011-02-22 Thread wilson Tuladhar
Hi, I have a problem with the riak search functionality. The problem is I can start riak and riaksearch independently but i cannot run them simultaneously. If i start riak db first then i cannot start riak search and vice-versa. Is it a problem or am i doing something wrong??? /Wilson __