> regarding riak or event the servers where it's running?
> >
> > Best regards!
> > ___
> > riak-users mailing
I think the only "save" way is to fetch a key out of a bucket. Otherwise
a fresh reinstalled node with a fresh installed riak without any data
would accept _writes_ to it even before it is in the cluster.
So I would always do the "fetch key" check. (The backend has to be up as
well for that,
after an upgrade from 1.3.1 to 1.4.2 I changed the object format from
v0 to v1 and began a rolling restart. But restarting the first node
shows me some weird outputs:
'riak@' waiting to handoff 132 partitions
this is the "restarted" node and the partitions is switching between
the stats
> process. It will then be automatically started, without the stuck data.
> exit(whereis(riak_core_stat_calc_sup), kill), profit().
> Matthew
> On Dec 11, 2013, at 4:50 PM, Simon Effenberg
> wrote:
> > So I think I have no real cha
s included in the upcoming 1.4.4 maintenance release (which is
> overdue so I am not going to bother guessing when it will actually arrive).
> Matthew
> On Dec 11, 2013, at 2:47 PM, Simon Effenberg
> wrote:
> > I will do..
> >
> > but one other thing:
t; the Erlang layer.
> Summary:
> - try increasing max_open_files to 170
> - helps: try setting sst_block_size to 32768 in app.config
> - does not help: try removing +S from vm.args
> Matthew
> On Dec 11, 2013, at 1:58 PM, Simon Effenberg
> wrote:
+ # Force the erlang VM to use SMP
+ '-smp' => 'enable',
+ #
> Matthew
> On Dec 11, 2013, at 9:48 AM, Simon Effenberg
> wrote:
nd normally we access mostly
new/active/hot data and not all the old ones.. besides this we have a
job doing a 2i query every 5mins and another one doing this maybe once
an hour.. both don't work while the upgrade is ongoing (2i isn't
> Matthew
hat can I do?
PS: transfers output:
'riak@' waiting to handoff 17 partitions
'riak@' waiting to handoff 19 partitions
(these are the 1.4.2 nodes)
On Wed, 11 Dec 2013 14:39:58 +0100
Simon Effenberg wrote:
> Also some side notes:
f response time for put (avg over all nodes):
before upgrade: 60ms
after upgrade: 1548ms
but this is only because of 2 of 12 nodes are
on 1.4.2 and are really slow (17000ms)
On Wed, 11 Dec 2013 13:45:56 +0100
Simon Effenberg wrote:
> Sorry I forgot t
r your leveldb file cache is thrashing (opening and closing
> multiple files per request).
> How many servers do you have and do you use Riak's active anti-entropy
> feature? I am going to plug all of this into a spreadsheet.
> Matthew Von-Maszewski
> On
in each node? What are
> your settings for max_open_files and cache_size in the app.config file?
> Maybe this is as simple as leveldb using too much RAM in 1.4. The memory
> accounting for maz_open_files changed in 1.4.
> Matthew Von-Maszewski
> On Dec 11, 2
node_put_fsm_time_median : 1614
node_put_fsm_time_95 : 8789
node_put_fsm_time_99 : 38258
node_put_fsm_time_100 : 384372
any clue why this could/should be?
On Tue, 10 Dec 2013 17:21:07 +0100
Simon Effenberg wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> thanks!.. that answers my questions!
> Cheers
nes through the levels to
> free up disk space much more quickly (especially if you perform block deletes
> every now and then).
> Matthew
> On Dec 10, 2013, at 10:44 AM, Simon Effenberg
> wrote:
> > Hi Matthew,
> >
> > see inline..
> >
z reçu ce courriel par erreur, veuillez nous en aviser immédiatement en
> y répondant, puis supprimer ce message de votre système. Veuillez ne pas le
> copier, l’utiliser pour quelque raison que ce soit ni divulguer son contenu
> à quiconque.
> This email is confidential and may als
e compaction cascades, but that
> is not going to help you today.
> Matthew
> On Dec 10, 2013, at 10:26 AM, Simon Effenberg
> wrote:
> > Hi @list,
> >
> > I'm trying to upgrade our Riak cluster from 1.3.1 to 1.4.2 .. after
> > upgrading the fi
Hi @list,
I'm trying to upgrade our Riak cluster from 1.3.1 to 1.4.2 .. after
upgrading the first node (out of 12) this node seems to do many merges.
the sst_* directories changes in size "rapidly" and the node is having
a disk utilization of 100% all the time.
I know that there is something like
> riak-users mailing list
Simon Effenberg | Site Ops Engineer | GmbH
Fon: + 49-(0)30-8109 - 7173
Fax: + 49-(0)30-8109 - 7131
Mail: seffenb...@tea
> This repair sequence is different than the one you are quoting.
> You do not need to manually delete the MANIFEST file. The repair sequence
> will do that anyway.
> Matthew
> On Sep 26, 2013, at 7:04 AM, Si
hu, 26 Sep 2013 12:53:40 +0200
Simon Effenberg wrote:
> Thanks Matthew,
> but one thing I didn't get. If I delete a sst file.. should I delete
> (by hand) the MANIFEST file to trigger a repair or is it done
> automatically within Riak if it detects that a sst file which is
uite reasonable by 1.3 and 1.4.
> A discussion about repair can be found here:
> Matthew
> On Sep 25, 2013, at 9:38 AM, Simon Effenberg
> wrote:
> > On Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:15:33 -0400
On Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:15:33 -0400
Matthew Von-Maszewski wrote:
> - run Riak repair on the vnode so that leveldb can create a MANIFEST that
> matches the files remaining.
what do you mean with this? Wait for AAE? Request each key to trigger
read repair or do I miss something?
We are in a simil
ystem, or allow you to write one yourself.
> Sam
> [1]:
> [2]:
> [3]:
> [4]:
Sadly one riak node after another is dying because of "too less" ram..
any other idea besides the r_object would be cool..
On Thu, 29 Aug 2013 15:49:47 +0200
Simon Effenberg wrote:
> Thanks! But could you explain in detail how you came to this numbers
> from my previous mail?
equesting with an R=1 may not give you exactly what you want, as N requests
> will be made, but only R will be waited-upon.
> Sam
> --
> Sam Elliott
> Engineer
> --
> On Thursday, 29 August 2013 at 8:53AM, Simon Effenberg w
it be possible to do the GET with a R=1 on the node with the
big object so that it is not a huge problem?
> Sam
> --
> Sam Elliott
> Engineer
> --
> On Thursday, 29 August 2013 at 3:18AM, Simon Effenberg wr
bject even if I search with the
exakt createdat_int index which is returned by a HEAD/GET request to
the object itself.
Any help is much appreciated..
On Thu, 29 Aug 2013 07:26:31 +0200
Simon Effenberg wrote:
> allow_multi is on and I looked into the graphs.. we have had some
> sib
> --
> Sam Elliott
> Engineer
> (
> --
> On Wednesday, 28 August 2013 at 6:50PM, Simon Effenberg wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > we
we have suddenly (regarding to riak stats) really big objects (100th
percentile of object size) of 400MB to 900MB.
We have no clue from where or how this could be.. is it somehow
possible to identify them easily?
riak-users mailin
only after restarting the Riak instance on this node the awaiting
handoffs where processed.. this is weird :(
On Fri, 19 Jul 2013 15:55:43 +0200
Simon Effenberg wrote:
> It looked good for some hours but now again we got
> 2013-07-19 13:27:07.800 UTC [error]
Max nice priority 00
Max realtime priority 00
Max realtime timeout unlimitedunlimitedus
On Fri, 19 Jul 2013 16:08:44 +0200
Simon Effenberg wrote:
me case for
On Fri, 19 Jul 2013 10:25:05 +0200
Simon Effenberg wrote:
> once again with the list included... argh
> Hey Christian,
> so it could be also a erlang limit? I found out why my riak instances
> are all having different processlimi
adding the
> following line to the vm.args file:
> +P 262144
> Best regards,
> Christian
> On 19 Jul 2013, at 08:24, Simon Effenberg wrote:
> > The +zdbbl parameter helped a lot but the hinted handoffs didn't
> > disappe
I need to have a look and probably try to enforce an "unlimited" process limit.
On Fri, 19 Jul 2013 09:24:07 +0200
Simon Effenberg wrote:
> The +zdbbl parameter helped a lot but the hinted handoffs didn't
> disappear completely. I have no more bus
-admin diag
> and see the new recommended kernel parameters, also, on vm.args
> uncomment the +zdbbl 32768 parameter, since what you are describing is
> similar to what happened to us when we upgraded to 1.4.
> HTH,
> Guido.
> On 18/07/13 19:21, Simon Effenberg wrote:
ng is
> similar to what happened to us when we upgraded to 1.4.
> HTH,
> Guido.
> On 18/07/13 19:21, Simon Effenberg wrote:
> > Hi @list,
> >
> > I see sometimes logs talking about "hinted_handoff transfer of .. failed
> > because of TCP recv
30:51.644 UTC [info]
<0.8497.66>@riak_core_handoff_sender:start_fold:192 hinted_handoff transfer of
riak_kv_vnode from 'riak@'
713623846352979940529142984724747568191373312000 to 'riak@'
713623846352979940529142984724747568191373312000 completed: sent 55 objects in
ng to handoff 12 partitions
'riak@' waiting to handoff 12 partitions
'riak@' waiting to handoff 13 partitions
'riak@' waiting to handoff 12 partitions
'riak@' waiting to handoff 17 partitions
Hi @list,
I see sometimes logs talking about "hinted_handoff transfer of .. failed
because of TCP recv timeout".
Also riak-admin transfers shows me many handoffs (is it possible to give some
insights about "how many" handoffs happened through "riak-admin status"?).
- Is it a normal behavior to
Hi @list,
is it possible to reduce the n_val? I mean you can change it but what
happens then?
- is old data removed or is it laying around? (or maybe deleted after
some time thanks to AAE?)
- is it causing problems like:
- reducing n_val from 3 to 2
- update data
- sleep 10minutes
- re
Hi @list,
is it somehow possible to disable the Snappy compression used in
eLevelDB? I would like to try out ZFS compression but it's not that
useful if snappy is used before.
riak-users mailing list
** Node 'riak@' not responding **
this "could" be the start of the problem and we have had some weird network
issues between to DC's at this timeframe with some broken TCP connections. But
it looks like Riak wasn't able to get o
Hi list,
this morning I did a "riak-admin transfers" on the riak machines and
saw this:
[root@kriak46-1:~]# riak-admin transfers
Attempting to restart script through sudo -H -u riak
'riak@' waiting to handoff 30 partitions
'riak@' waiting to handoff 3 partitions
Any idea what happened? We have had to remove the riak db and started
from scratch to get rid of the ghost keys...
On Thu, 7 Mar 2013 11:35:12 +0100
Simon Effenberg wrote:
> Now we see only 3 occurrences of the keys. So maybe the reducing of the
> n_val could be a problem.. after we remov
again to 3 could be the problem. But I have no clue why
this should be the case.
On Thu, 7 Mar 2013 11:30:40 +0100
Simon Effenberg wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> we have 12 Riak nodes running. The exact command for getting keys is:
> curl http://localhost:8098/buckets/c
> > or
> > riak:8098/buckets/config/keys?keys=true
> >
> > we get some keys multiple times. Getting the content works
> > well but we can't rely on the output (or have to sort/uniq the output).
> >
> > Is this a normal behavior or is it a b
we changed the n_val of a bucket from 3 to 12. If we are now doing this:
we get some keys multiple times. Getting the content works
well but we can't rely on the output (or have to sort/uniq the output).
Is this a no
ulimit, you can easily modify the
> riakscript to not warn you.
> -Jared
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 9:00 AM, Simon Effenberg
> wrote:
> > Cool!
> >
> > But now I see this WARNING:
> >
> > WARNING: ulimit -n is 1024; 4096 is the recommende
t; Now, onto 1.4...
> The Basho Team
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
Simon Effenberg | Site Ops Engineer | GmbH
Hi list,
while testing riak in our environment I reinstalled one riak servers
out of 2 and when it was back again it didn't know anything about it's
old cluster. So my situation was:
1 node knowing both
1 node knowing only itself
the java client was writing into the nodes (both of them) so that
> Am 05.02.2013 14:10, schrieb Matthew Von-Maszewski:
> > 30,000: So that you ever have to think about it again.
> >
> > Matthew
> >
> >
> > On Feb 5, 2013, at 3:54, Simon Effenberg wrote:
> >
> >> Hey Matthew,
> >>
> >> tha
line. Different people have told me they found each of them best for
> spinning hard drives. However, there seems to be more on-line discussion in
> recent months for using deadline for spinning and noop (plus other settings)
> for SSD drives. Again, I feel your biggest gain is in not
> What questions remain?
> Matthew
> On Feb 3, 2013, at 5:44 PM, Simon Effenberg wrote:
> > Hi Matthew,
> >
> > thanks a lot!
> >
> > So now I have:
> >
> > 6 nodes each having 32GB RAM:
> >
> > vnode_workin
ck size. The block_size only governs the minimum written
> (aggregate size of small values that must be written as one unit at minimum).
> Use 104Mbyte for your average sst file size. It is "good enough"
> I am not following the question stream for S
I'm not sure if I understand this all well to calculate the memory
usage per file and other stuff.
The webpage tells me some steps but I'm completly unsure if I understand all
"Step 1: Calculate Available Working Memory"
taking the example:
leveldb_working_memory = 32G * (1 -
On Wed, 30 Jan 2013 21:22:33 -0800
Joseph Blomstedt wrote:
> The main issue is that Search data
> doesn't include anything equivalent to vector clocks. If two replicas
> have divergent data, who wins?
so what happens if I have (because of a temporary split brain and a
write to the key on both br
st 99.9 percent is
> > distributed over different physical nodes?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Simon
> > ___
> > riak-users mailing list
> >
> >
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