Another approach for pooling riak pb client connections

2011-04-14 Thread Seth Falcon
a single node. The take_member function randomly selects a pool to draw from giving simple load-balancing among Riak nodes. - Written as an OTP application. To use it, you add config for the pooler application and call application:start(pooler). Feedback most welcome. + seth -- Seth Falc

Re: Multiple disks

2011-03-21 Thread Seth Falcon
, each pointed at its own disk. + seth -- Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: running erlang map phases via REST API

2011-01-28 Thread Seth Falcon
On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 12:15 AM, Dan Reverri wrote: > This commit looks interesting. A lot of changes were made to map reduce in > 0.14 so I am not sure it will work in it's current form. > I think we would only need to include the changes in riak_kv_mapred_json.erl > and riak_kv_mapred_query.erl

Re: Erlang API vs Erlang PBC

2011-01-26 Thread Seth Falcon
or > more processes could use the same conn at a given time (side question: is > that a problem?). Yes, I believe that is a problem. Each pb client will have a unique client ID used in the vector clock. You want to avoid the same client ID from making concurrent modifications. + seth -- Seth Fa

Re: running erlang map phases via REST API

2011-01-26 Thread Seth Falcon
Hi all, I too would find this useful. And a while back I wrote a patch that enabled it. I'm afraid the patch has likely suffered bit rot, but the ideas can at least be harvested: + seth -- Seth Falcon | @sf

Re: loading erlang terms

2010-10-26 Thread Seth Falcon
rms(Tokens = [_H|_T], Acc) -> {TermTokens, Rest} = pop_term(Tokens), split_by_terms(Rest, [TermTokens|Acc]); split_by_terms([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc). -- Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: loading erlang terms

2010-10-26 Thread Seth Falcon
27;s native binary term serialization. B = term_to_binary(Terms), % now store B in Riak % ... % now get B out and do: binary_to_term(B) + seth -- Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | ___ riak-users mailing list htt

Re: Ping: Using Erlang funs for map reduce via the REST API and protocol buffers client

2010-10-10 Thread Seth Falcon + seth -- Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: Ping: Using Erlang funs for map reduce via the REST API and protocol buffers client

2010-10-09 Thread Seth Falcon
For now, I updated my branch on github rebased against latest riak_kv. + seth -- Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | ___ riak-users mailing list http://lists.

Ping: Using Erlang funs for map reduce via the REST API and protocol buffers client

2010-10-06 Thread Seth Falcon
er}, unset, true}]). I posted a note about this to the list a month ago, but haven't received any response. Curious if this is of interest to other users. Basho team, comments? Link to original post:

Re: erlang mapReduce

2010-09-19 Thread Seth Falcon
ocket:ping(Pid). > than there is no output and the erlang shell is not responding > anymore ... (probably a timeout) Make sure your are using the correct port and try again. That may be the root cause of the issues you are seeing. + seth -- Seth Falcon | @sfalcon |

Using Erlang funs for map reduce via the REST API and protocol buffers client

2010-09-06 Thread Seth Falcon
spending any more time on it -- perhaps there are other issues with this approach that I'm not aware of or a more elegant solution... BTW, the inspiration for the approach came from this post by the Erjang developer:

Re: Riak and no of clients limit?

2010-09-04 Thread Seth Falcon
think that this is not an intended use). Given that, it sounds like one would want a pool of pb clients such that each resource takes a client out of the pool when handling a request and returns it when done. So there would be no concurrent requests going through the same client. Does tha

Re: Riak and no of clients limit?

2010-09-04 Thread Seth Falcon
ter as part of the webmachine startup. Then the resources in the webmachine app ask for one of these clients for each request. Your comment above about reusing clients for non-concurrent requests makes me wonder if this is the wrong approach. Comments or suggestions? Thanks,

Re: Small patch to fix bin/riak stop on OS X

2010-07-08 Thread Seth Falcon
> approach is better or more portable than the other, just letting you know > what's up. > Original bug is here: > commit is here: Works for me :-) Thanks all. + seth --

Re: Small patch to fix bin/riak stop on OS X

2010-07-07 Thread Seth Falcon
#x27;m doing it all wrong :-P ). Cheers, + seth -- Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | ___ riak-users mailing list

Small patch to fix bin/riak stop on OS X

2010-07-03 Thread Seth Falcon
] [-U user[,user...]] ps [-L] ok It seems that ps -f is not supported (indeed illegal!) on OS X. The following change works for me and I believe will work just as well on Linux. commit 82c6d30085ef38fcd97abc5e5293f9f4644f3092 Author: Seth Falcon Date: Thu Jul 1 20:09:57 2010 -0700 Fix