Upgrade procedure from 0.12 to 0.13

2010-10-13 Thread SKester
Hey folks, What is the proper way to upgrade a cluster from 0.12 to 0.13? Our 4 node cluster was originally created by installing the 0.12 rpms. Is the process as simple as stopping riak on a node, installing the new rpm and re-starting? Is it possible to roll through each node one at a time w

Limit on number of buckets

2010-09-16 Thread SKester
Is there a practical (or hard) limit to the number of buckets a riak cluster can handle? One possible data model we could use for one application could result in ~80,000 buckets. Is that a reasonable number? Thanks, Scott ___ riak-users mailing list r

Map reduce error on large bucket

2010-09-13 Thread SKester
I am trying to run a map-reduce job against all keys in a bucket. The job is working fine on buckets with ~60,000 or less entries. However on buckets with > 63,000 keys I get the following error every time: Input: curl -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" http://testdw0b01.be.weather.com

Setting timeout value on REST map-reduce job

2010-09-10 Thread SKester
I am having difficulty getting RIAK to honor the timeout value I am passing to the REST map/reduce interface. When I run the query against a bucket with 10,000 entries, the job completes fine. However when I try the same query against a bucket with 50,000 entries, the job times out after the defa