Re: 1.4.9 ping_node

2014-06-27 Thread Matt Ranney
You might try emailing the port maintainer directly: cd /usr/ports/databases/riak && make maintainer On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 1:02 PM, Allen Landsidel wrote: > Straightening that out (cookie dir permissions issue), it starts and stops > now normally, but the startup still says it failed with r

Re: Riak and Node.js

2012-02-09 Thread Matt Ranney
As you know, but I'll just say it again here publicly, Voxer uses a whole lot of node.js with Riak. We are using a custom client that's on the track to be open sourced soon. On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 11:41 PM, Mark Phillips wrote: > I need a bit if help. I'm trying to get an impression of how many

Re: Secondary Indexes - Feedback?

2011-11-21 Thread Matt Ranney
The 2i features are certainly more convenient than building secondary indexes manually, which is the only alternative until now. I'm a little concerned about the performance of the coverage queries as our cluster grows. Building a secondary index manually does scale very nicely as new nodes are a

Re: Riak Clustering Changes in 1.0

2011-09-11 Thread Matt Ranney
That's really cool. I'm glad you guys spent time making sure that rolling upgrades work smoothly. Is there any surprising behavior to look out for while the cluster has some new and some old nodes? On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 11:34 AM, Joseph Blomstedt wrote: > Each 0.14.2 is upgraded to a 1.0 nod

Re: Riak Clustering Changes in 1.0

2011-09-10 Thread Matt Ranney
These new clustering changes sounds excellent. Will we still be able to do a rolling upgrade from 0.14.2? On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 5:12 PM, Joseph Blomstedt wrote: > Given that 1.0 prerelease packages are now available, I wanted to > mention some changes to Riak's clustering capabilities in 1.0.

Re: GET vs map reduce

2011-08-18 Thread Matt Ranney
On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 10:35 AM, Wilson MacGyver wrote: > it's been working fine. but lately, as traffic begin to increase, we > started seeing time out errors > on the map reduce call. the strange thing is, if I issue GET on each > key, results are coming back > without any problem. > We've fou

Re: NoSQL combinations - what works best?

2011-08-09 Thread Matt Ranney
On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 10:23 AM, Les Mikesell wrote: > The main point of memcache is that it is distributed and the clients > automatically handle failover at any reasonably large scale. How do you > arrange that with redis? > You can achieve this with Redis with a little bit of client-side mag

Re: ssh tunnel between nodes in a cluster?

2011-05-29 Thread Matt Ranney
Are you sure you want this? Riak will spread your data across all nodes in the cluster with no consideration for the network topology. On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 6:40 PM, Jeremy Bornstein wrote: > We have machines in different data centers and no VPN between them. I'm > a little confused by the d

Re: hidding buckets and keys

2011-05-26 Thread Matt Ranney
On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 8:10 PM, Antonio Rohman Fernandez <> wrote: > what if apart from webservers with a web-app i want to build > iPhone/iPad/Android apps that access Riak directly? Unfortunately, Riak just isn't designed for that. You might be able to work around it

Re: JavaScript performance

2011-05-16 Thread Matt Ranney
Since everything gets passed into JS as JSON, using a VM with native JSON parsing should be a big win. Have you gotten any attention from the Mozilla people about the Solaris issue? They seem pretty eager to have their JS engine running in as many places as they can. It's more than a little disa

JavaScript performance

2011-05-16 Thread Matt Ranney
Are there plans to update the JavaScript VM used by Riak in upcoming releases? Native JSON and tracing in recent Mozilla releases ought to provide a big performance boost for map/reduce that uses JavaScript functions. ___ riak-users mailing list riak-use

JSON with newlines

2011-04-15 Thread Matt Ranney
I'm using Riak Search 0.14.0-1, and it seems like JSON docs with otherwise legal \r characters in them confuse both the search indexer and JSON.parse() from within JavaScript map functions. Presumably these two are related. After looking around, it sounds like maybe this has been fixed, but perha