Sean -
I just looked more into this, and it turns out that this was fixed, just not in
a version that I got with a gem install. I closed the issue with this comment:
"This was fixed in commit #086e917e67002c99fb10045b37473b8813bc1fb9 on May 13,
2011 by jackdempsey."
When do you think this mi
Sean -
Thanks for the speedy reply!
Unfortunately, we're not using bundler on this project, and that decision is
beyond my control.
Yes, changing the gemspec would be great. I have no preference as to whether
or not to permit the use of builder v2, but I would imagine if it works with v2
s any plan to modify riak-client so
that it does?
Or am I misunderstanding something about this issue?
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Keith Bennett
> Date: June 8, 2011 11:24:43 AM EDT
> To: riak-users users
> Subject: Bundler Version Requirement Problem
Sean and All -
Some questions about the riak test server, as launched via the Ruby client...
Is there any problem having a test server running on the same machine as a
normal riak server, as long as the port number's don't collide? Assuming
single-server setups, do we need to be concerned abou
n you want to wipe the data:
> server.recycle
> If you're using Ripple in a Rails 3 project, `rails generate ripple` will
> generate all of this for you and add it to your chosen testing framework.
> On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 6:43 PM, Keith Bennett
> wrote:
All -
I have some test procedures that require that I start with an empty data store
and end with the data exactly as it was before the test.
The brute force approach I'm taking now is to:
* shut down riak
* rename the data/bitcask directory
* start riak
* run my test and validate the results i
Speaking of deleting keys, I have a question. It may be naive, as I'm a
developer, but not very specialized in data storage issues, especially
key/value stores.
I don't think I've brought this up on this list, but if I have, I apologize,
and feel free to ignore this message. (I couldn't find
Hi, all. Is the Ruby Riak::Client thread safe? I'm wondering if it's safe to
share a single Riak::Client instance across all threads in an application. I
might run the app in JRuby, by the way.
Are there any pros and cons to sharing a single client you can offer?
An obvious pro is that it sa
I've been wanting to say this for weeks now...
I really like how communicative and responsive all of you at Basho are with us,
your users.
Thanks for that, as well as for riak and the riak ruby client, which makes
using riak so easy.
Sean and all, your same day response, including code change,
All -
This may not be an issue. If so, I apologize for wasting your time. I'm doing
further research.
- Keith
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Keith Bennett
> Date: June 8, 2011 11:24:43 AM EDT
> To: riak-users users
> Subject: Bundler Version Requirement Problem
All -
I'm getting the following error when running my rspecs for my project:
> /Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems.rb:274:in `activate': can't activate
> builder (~> 2.1.2, runtime) for ["riak-client-0.9.4"], already activated
> builder-3.0.0 for ["savon-0.9.1"] (Gem::LoadError)
Would it b
ajor release.
> -Jared
> On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 10:19 AM, Keith Bennett
> wrote:
> Sean and All -
> In case it helps, the problem manifested on riak 0.14.0 on Mac OS but not on
> an Ubuntu VM.
> The most recent version available for download at
> http:
>> On Fri, Jun 03, 2011 at 06:08:06PM -0400, Keith Bennett wrote:
>>> Aphyr & Andrew -
>>> Thanks for your responses. I'm trying to wrap my head around the issues
>>> you raised, and I must confess it's difficult. Anyway, some questions f
Mark -
I think that's a great idea. I'd go even further, and suggest that the
valuable information discussed on the mailing list be managed in a searchable
form, as is the case with Google or Yahoo Groups. (Is it searchable now? I
couldn't see how to search the entire archive for a keyword.)
Aphyr & Andrew -
Thanks for your responses. I'm trying to wrap my head around the issues you
raised, and I must confess it's difficult. Anyway, some questions for you...
On Jun 3, 2011, at 5:12 PM, Andrew Thompson wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 03, 2011 at 02:00:23PM -0700, Aphyr wrote:
>> Riak can't u
Hi, all. I have a weird issue. I'm using the Riak ruby client. When I store
an object, create an object with the same bucket and key and delete it, then
create an object with the same bucket and key and store it again, it is not in
riak. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I posted my
Robert -
Until a source code change a few days ago, riak would by default cache the keys
reported to be in a bucket, so after fetching them once they would not be
updated after deletions, additions, etc. The key is indeed gone, but the keys
API did not report the change.
If you go to the mess
Hi, all. If I have several riak servers on a cluster, and want to distribute
load fairly evenly, and am using the Ruby Riak client, what is the best way to
balance load?
With the HTTP interface, I can randomize the choice of host for a request. How
would I do the same with the ruby client? W
Another great reason to insert a layer between your app and riak is that if you
should ever change your data storage strategy or support multiple strategies
(e.g. support the use of a strategy other than riak) it would minimize or
eliminate the need to change the client app.
- Keith
On May 27,
seancribbs/ripple/pull/168). For various reasons, the
>> list of keys is memoized in the Riak::Bucket instance. Passing :reload =>
>> true to the #keys method will cause it to refresh. I like to discourage
>> list-keys, but with the memoized list you don't shoot
rself in the foot as
> often.
> Sean Cribbs
> Developer Advocate
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> On May 26, 2011, at 10:29 AM, Keith Bennett wrote:
>> All -
>> I just started working with Riak, and am using the riak-client Ruby
All -
I just started working with Riak, and am using the riak-client Ruby gem.
When I delete a key from a bucket, and try to fetch the value associated with
that key, I get a 404 error (which is reasonable). However, it remains in the
bucket's list of keys (i.e. the value returned by
22 matches
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