On 12/01/2011 7:17, Gary Smith wrote:
If the answer to the above question is no, then how can one secure a
Riak system properly?
Put an apache (or whatever) server in front and proxy the requests accordingly
and setup the security through the underlying web service.
You -> [ apache -> riak ]
Newbie question. I am trying to find documentation about Riak security.
I have seen
but I could not find much on access control.
Is it possible to secure access to Riak nodes? Does it offer something
similar to htt
Thanks for your answer. I have installed VMware. I'll try to make Riak
work from there.
On 6/01/2011 1:53, Justin Sheehy wrote:
Hello, Jérôme.
It looks like Jeremiah has already answered one of your questions, so
I'll get the other.
On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 6:41
I am very new to Riak and I am reading what I can find on the web. I
have noticed two presentation available at:
Unfortunately, when I tried to download them, I get a .KEY