> all its nodes up, we've had people who forgot to start Riak nodes and never
> noticed they were down for weeks. This is good in that Riak can take it,
> but not very awesome when you do bring it up and the node has a lot of
> handoff work to do to catch up.
> -Jared
We have a little uncertainty in our team about whether to have riak
automatically start when machine get rebooted.
It do bring us some convenient if riak can start by default when
machine crashed for some reason, and automatically restart. but i was
wondering is there any case that auto
I'd like to ask another question about where do riak save bucket property
in disk space.
is it different from key/values?
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 11:15 AM, Gavin Huang wrote:
> Thanks Jordan, I've tried the first option and it works for me.
> thanks again f
#x27;t tried, is to temporarily disable active
> anti-entropy (the subsystem where the error seems to be coming from), until
> you've had a chance to make the fix.
> Jordan
> On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 9:47 PM, Gavin Huang wrote:
>> Hi, Alexander
Hi, Alexander
Thanks for your reply. the problem I have is riak is down and can not
server any requests.
I'd like to see if there a solution to "repair" bucket, if the bucket
properties are stored in a file in some where.
On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 1:52 AM, agrytsenko wrote:
> just
Hi, All
I encountered a problem which is exactly same as
that is i set the n_val to "3" instead of 3.
it made my three riak nodes went down, as this post mentioned, how can I
change this bucket property back to 3 w
> --
> Luke Bakken
> On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 2:21 AM, Gavin Huang
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I know that Riak2 delivered a new feature of bucket type, buckets with
> same
> > bucket
I know that Riak2 delivered a new feature of bucket type, buckets with same
bucket type will have same bucket properties and different bucket type can
have different bucket properties.
however, since Riak2 is still on it's beta version, so think may be I
should wait for a while before stable v
Hi, Hari
I'm actually doing the same thing. you may notice that partialUploadRequest
take a inputstream as content source, so you can set request.getInputStream
into it.
On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 5:34 AM, harish vadali wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am using Amazon's S3 SDK to upload a fil
I got a question regarding RiakCS's uploadId expire time. if I started
an upload and then upload some of parts. for some reason user drop out the
upload (don't abort the upload). then how long will this uploadId still be
valid for user to upload rest of parts of the file?
> A pull request for the issue has been supplied and will be in the next
> release:
> --
> Hector
> On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 5:22 AM, Gavin Huang
> wrote:
> > Thanks Hector
> > I actually di
> Also, here is a script I wrote up to access usage and storage
> statistics with `s3cmd`:
> --
> Hector
> On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 1:25 AM, Gavin Huang
> wrote:
> > BTW,
On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Gavin Huang wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to get the usage and access statistics from Ria
I'm trying to get the usage and access statistics from Riak-CS.
I configured "storage_schedule"(restarted riak-cs), I manually start
riak-cs-storage (it takes a while first time, but getting more quick
I tried to access the storage via s3cmd:
s3cmd get s3://riak-cs/usage/[adminkey
Hi, all
I'm wondering is there any way to make a bucket in Riak-CS "public-write"?
i tried to call s3cmd:
s3cmd setacl --acl-public s3://test-bucket/
but it only make bucket's read public:
s3cmd info s3://test-bucket
Location: any
ACL: *anon*: READ
I'm reading through the RiakCS documents about ACL, it said:
"Each bucket and object will have an ACL associated with it."
"An ACL can have up to 100 grants."
for me, it seems to means that there will only be up to 100 users to be
able to do operation against one bucket (while for a cer
I setup an one-node Riak CS instance. I try to upload an file with 200M,
when doing multipart upload, I can see the disk space usage is keep growing
(du -h), as expected this object takes 3 times of file size. but after I
delete this object, disk space seems not been released. any body know why
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