Okay. Thank you for your answers.)
2011/8/12 Kelly McLaughlin
> Dimitry,
> The protocol buffers client does not yet support secondary indexes. For the
> moment you'll have to stick with the HTTP API.
> Kelly
> On Aug 12, 2011, at 12:22 PM, Dimitry D wro
I've pushed last version from github, set backend to index and tried this
Obj =
riakc_obj:new(<<"test">>, <<"1.1">>, <<"1312.23">>, <<"application/json">>),
Obj1 =
riakc_obj:update_metadata(Obj, dict:store(<<"x-riak-index-amount_bin">>,
<<"1312.23">>, dict:new())),
{ok, Pid} = riakc_pb_sock
I've failed with leveldb backend in riak. I'm able to put values to storage,
but I cannot take buckets' list. Rekon also show nothing in buckets' list.
Is that expected behavior (eleveldb backend is unstable as far as I can see)
or did I something wrong?
My bad. I didn't noticed, that backend of riak_kv has changed.
2011/7/29 Dimitry D
> Hello!
> First of all thank you for that great DB (again)).
> I pull recent changes from github and noticed, that data's insertion became
> 2-times more slow and Riak Search fall o
First of all thank you for that great DB (again)).
I pull recent changes from github and noticed, that data's insertion became
2-times more slow and Riak Search fall on large range queries (on 35
entries) those have been completed within 80 ms before.
I have quite simple questions, but I cannot find answers:
1. How to add to existing bucket Riak Search index? As far as I understood
"/search-cmd install " only adds pre-commit hooks and do not create
index for existing data.
2. How to add pre-commit hook (I am interested in Riak Search h
I totally lost my mind with this, but I have to finish it.
I have simple app: it extracts data from txt file (data like "timestamp
value"), push it to Riak and make some range queries.
The problem is when I make key filter query I get *{error,disconnected}*.
I strore data in riak in this