FYI the documentation for Riak recommends a 5 node cluster, minimum, for
production environments for the best utilization of the redundancy and also, I
believe, load balancing across the cluster.
> Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 04:29:17 -0700
> From:
> To: riak-users@list
Hello everyone,
I'm in the beginning phases of building a riak_core application and am curious
as to how others might recommend I set up my application. Every single bit of
my application will be computation only, that is that all storage and data will
be managed by Riak. Basically, a client se
Hello everyone,
I was following the Riak Fast Track and setting up a dev environment and ran
into a problem I am having trouble solving so far. When I try to run ./riak
start I'm getting a generic error saying there was an "Error" reading the
app.config file. I've navigated there via an Erla
I've been following the directions on this page to start getting a feel for
Riak to see if I will want to use it for a project of mine. I successfully
started the Erlang console with the path set to the riak client directory,
meaning code:which(riakc_pb_socket) works properly. As does the start
e to use riak as your long-term persistent data-store but in
> this specific use case I believe Riak is not the appropriate solution. Also,
> redis would be at least an order of magnitude faster.
> -Alexander
> On May 15, 2010, at 7:33 PM, Chris Hicks wrote:
First of thank you for the responses.
As far as the HTTP interface I don't plan on using that but will be connecting
directly through Erlang, so that 8kb limit for that specific case, as far as I
understand, won't affect me as much. I would like to get to understand the
conflict hand
ber of nodes,
essentially dedicating each physical CPU to handling a hardware node (if that
is possible)? What would the pros and cons be to a single or multi-node system
on that sort of hardware?
Chris Hicks.
Alright, so I've worked my way through a few hurdles in getting this thing to
work properly but I've hit a spot where I don't know what to try next. keep in
mind that I am learning both Erlang and Riak at the same time, or at least
trying to.
Connecting works just fine:
{ok, Pid} = riak: