Re: Riak for streaming video

2014-06-30 Thread Brian Akins
Stanchion is only used for user modification and creating/deleting buckets. The cluster will function just fine without it except for those functions. > On Jun 30, 2014, at 3:10 AM, Alex De la rosa wrote: > > Hi Jared, > > Thanks for your explanation and links... my next question is... Is S

Re: Proposal for chunked storage (related to Lowlevel Access to RiakCS objects)

2014-04-04 Thread Brian Akins
> I realize I am somewhat re-inventing the wheel. However I do not need an "S3 interface" Then you could just do what you are wanting in Riak. No need for low-level access to Riak-CS, etc. You could look to CS for inspiration, I suppose. Also, Stanchion is only needed when doing user related mod

Re: Lowlevel Access to RiakCS objects?

2014-03-28 Thread Brian Akins
I know of at least one case that uses riak cs for live HLS video at scale, which is somewhat similar to your use case, so this is not uncharted territory. While technically it's possible you can design and implement something more efficient than CS, that may be effort better spent in other areas

Re: ANN: Riak C Client *alpha*

2013-10-31 Thread Brian Akins
There is no event loop in libcurl. That was my point. It can use several different event loops - libev, libevent , etc. If "libriakclient" uses libevent only, then I have a tougher time integrating it with other event loops. Haven't looked into the code much, but the "core" riak-client stuff (PBC,

Re: ANN: Riak C Client *alpha*

2013-10-30 Thread Brian Akins
I'm wondering if the model that libcurl uses WRT various event mechanisms would be a better approach? Example: You can use libcurl with libev, libevent, etc. by providing callbacks. ___ riak-users mailing lis

Re: Cross-filesystem cluster?

2013-10-25 Thread Brian Akins
You'd probably get better results if you changed the filesystem on every node in the cluster. If you don't do this, then the performance of one node could impact others depending on your consistency settings. Depending on how large your dataset is, you could do this by moving around files on the no

Re: Riak on SAN

2013-10-03 Thread Brian Akins
So, call me naive, but couldn't ZFS be used as Heinze suggested? I have some SAN horror stories - both operationally and from an economic perspective. ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: error with fresh riak-cs 1.4.0 install

2013-08-14 Thread Brian Akins
Yeah I figured it out and opened a pull request on the riak cookbook. Thanks! ___ riak-users mailing list

error with fresh riak-cs 1.4.0 install

2013-08-14 Thread Brian Akins
riak-cs 1.4.0 fresh install with fresh riak 1.4.1 - getting error when trying to start riak-cs: Invalid Riak bucket properties detected. Please verify that allow_mult is set to true for all buckets. No buckets in riak. Ideas? ___ riak-users mailing lis

Re: Riak - Multiple Disks Per Server

2013-05-24 Thread Brian Akins
I don't think you can do what you are asking.If, however, you are truly viewing your data as being redundant at the node level, rather than the disk level, then you could just stripe it (RAID 0) on each node. We haven't been this brave yet... ___ riak-us

Which chef cookbook?

2013-03-21 Thread Brian Akins
We have been maintaining our our chef cookbook for riak because the old basho one didn't fit our needs. As part of testing riak-cs I see there appears to be a fork that is referenced in the fast-track (via the Vagrant instructions) Is this the

lua-resty-riak released

2013-02-26 Thread Brian Akins Lua riak protocol buffer client driver for ngx_lua based on the cosocket API. master branch is the "get it done now" version and is pretty rough, but is fairly well tested. refactor branch is an attempt to cleanup the code. Enjoy. --Brian _

Re: How to make Riak work faster (writing)

2012-11-02 Thread Brian Akins
On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 3:10 PM, Uruka Dark wrote: > This is my PHP script: That uses HTTP I assume? If you have the option to use protocol buffers, you'll usually get a bump in performance. Also, for another test -- while doing your data loads, kill or add a node to riak. Then do the same to cou

Re: risk and memcached

2012-08-11 Thread Brian Akins
On Aug 9, 2012, at 4:39 PM, José Ghislain Quenum wrote: > my question is fairly simple. If one is developing an app, does that make > sense to combine memcached with a riak datastore, given that riak has its own > caching mechanism? We do a 1 second cache locally within each client for a par