case was I didn’t have it increased from the
default setting on the OS and thus hit the limit and everything crashed.
Alex Millar, CTO
Office: 1-800-354-8010 ext. 704
Mobile: 519-729-2539
On December 3, 2014 at 9:31:22 AM, Jon Meredith (
Too many open files"}} in hashtree:new_segment_store/2 line 505 in
gen_server:init_it/6 line 328
Leading up to this there didn’t appear to be any significant load on our
I simply restarted the
figured we could merge the discussion to reduce duplicate effort here.
Alex Millar, CTO
Office: 1-800-354-8010 ext. 704
Mobile: 519-729-2539
From: Kota Uenishi
Reply: Kota Uenishi >
Date: August 18, 2014 at 10:03:40 PM
To: Alex Millar >
Cc: Charlie Voiselle
worse over time as we add more keys to this bucket (unless secondary indexes
can be added). Or am I totally out to lunch here and there’s some other
underlying problem?
I’ve cc’d the mailing list on this as suggested.
Alex Millar, CTO
Office: 1-800-354-8010 ext. 704
g S3.
Alex Millar, CTO
Office: 1-800-354-8010 ext. 704
Mobile: 519-729-2539
From: Kelly McLaughlin
Reply: Kelly McLaughlin >
Date: August 15, 2014 at 7:03:47 PM
To: Alex Millar >,
Subject: Re: Slow s3cmd ls queries
this bucket (unless secondary indexes
can be added). Or am I totally out to lunch here and there’s some other
underlying problem?
Alex Millar, CTO
Office: 1-800-354-8010 ext. 704
Mobile: 519-729-2539