Good news.
No problem.
On 26 Jun 2017, at 12:48, Mark Richard Thomas wrote:
> Thanks Russell.
> You're a star.
> Right again - dvv_enabled property on a bucket.
> My cluster is finally looking stable.
> Mark
> Equifax Limited is registered in England with Registered
Thanks Russell.
You're a star.
Right again - dvv_enabled property on a bucket.
My cluster is finally looking stable.
Equifax Limited is registered in England with Registered No. 2425920.
Registered Office: Capital House, 25 Chapel Street, London NW1 5DS. Equifax
Limited is authorised and
Same thing (<<“false”>> is 3rd param). Is this the same bucket?
How big is the cluster?
On 26 Jun 2017, at 11:31, Mark Richard Thomas wrote:
> Hello
> The number of crashes has dropped dramatically with the property
> (dvv_enabled) updated. Now, I'm periodically seeing crash messages like:
The number of crashes has dropped dramatically with the property (dvv_enabled)
updated. Now, I'm periodically seeing crash messages like:
2017-06-26 10:05:56 =CRASH REPORT
initial call: riak_kv_get_fsm:init/1
pid: <0.20060.107>
registered_name: []
exception e
Hi Mark,
I've observed timeouts too but always on serach operation, you might have
seen my thread "Solr search response time spikes".
I'm getting stats by polling this every minute:
The 99 & 100% response times are most interesting
The crash report is for the same reason, the 3rd argument to
riak_object:merge_contents/3 is <<"false”>> when it should be the atom ‘false’.
Is that crash report from _after_ you updated the bucket properties?
On 26 Jun 2017, at 10:50, Mark Richard Thomas wrote:
> Hello
> R
Riak version 2.2.3
Yes, this is related to a cluster restore from backup.
Ah wait, no, I see it, you seem to have set the DVV enabled bucket property to
the binary <<“false”>>, it should be a boolean atom, either ‘true' or ‘false’.
Something weird has gone on in your bucket props validation, though, as that
should have been caught or coerced to binary long before this
Hi Mark,
It’s an error that means there is no function clause in
riak_object:merge_contents that matches the given arguments. It is hard to tell
from the snippet of log you posted what the issue is here since the arguments
are truncated. Is this related to you cluster restore from a backup? It l
I'm seeing the following error message for a number of objects:
console.log:2017-06-26 02:06:00.351 [error] <0.12343.73> gen_fsm <0.12343.73>
in state waiting_vnode_r terminated with reason: no function clause matching
10 matches
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