Re: secondary indexes

2017-01-16 Thread Russell Brown
Hi, Riak's secondary indexes require a sorted backend, either of the memory or leveldb backends will work, bitcask does not support secondary indexes. More details hereĀ Cheers Russell On Jan 17, 2017, at 07:13 AM, Andy l

secondary indexes

2017-01-16 Thread Andy leu
hi: I ran the code as shown in when I tried the lines about secondary index : october_orders = order_bucket.get_index("order_date_bin", "2013-10-01", "2013-10-31") october_or

Re: Riak CS - admin keys changing

2017-01-16 Thread Shaun McVey
Hi Toby, If you put another user into the config, that's all it takes to make them the admin user. There's no special value that's set in the database itself. Any user can be an admin user, it doesn't even have to be the first one created. It's just whatever user you have set in the config. Ki