Re: Precommit hook function - no error log - how to debug?

2016-05-10 Thread Sanket Agrawal
One more thing - I set up the hooks by bucket, not bucket type. The documentation for 2.1.4 says that hooks are defined on the bucket level. Here is how I set up precommit hook (derived from "Riak Handbook" p95): curl -X PUT localhost:8098/types/test_kv_wo/buckets/uuid_log/props -H 'Content-Type:

Precommit hook function - no error log - how to debug?

2016-05-10 Thread Sanket Agrawal
I just set up a precommit hook function in dev environment (KV 2.1.4) which doesn't seem to be triggering off at all. The object is being stored in the bucket, but the precommit logic is not kicking off. I checked couple of things as listed below but came up with no error - so, it is a head-scratch