Hi Fasil.
Riak stores data as binary blobs. It does not consider encodings at all.
That way "riak supports data in any language".
On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 7:15 AM, Fasil K wrote:
> Hello,
> I have small doubt regarding the riak character encoding.
> Do we have to configure anything
I have small doubt regarding the riak character encoding.
Do we have to configure anything so that riak supports data in any language
(for eg: french,chinese etc) ?
Thanks in advance
With Regards,
Fasil K
riak-users mailing list
Has anyone successfully integrated Banana with the Riak 2.0 Solr
- Mark Schmidt
riak-users mailing list
Thanks Dmitri, appreciate the effort. You might have a point there. I think
it indeed does have to do with our Nginx configuration. Stanchion is
communicating with nginx as a proxy to our riak nodes. I just tested out
pointing stanchion directly to one of our Riak nodes and the admin user
Thanks for the response Dmitri. Just double checked all those settings
1) I checked with stanchion ping and i'm also able to telnet into the
stanchion_host from the riak node
2)Double checked and it shows up in the logs:
<0.142.0>@riak_cs_config:warnings:120 `anonymous_user_creation` is set as
Thanks Kota, this is a great resource.
On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 4:24 AM, Kota Uenishi wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> The memory size of your nodes looks rather small. I wrote a section
> for such environment to design right configurations. Hope you could
> take a look.
> https://github.com/basho/riak_cs/
I have had issues where passing the POST body via —data didn’t work.
# Create credentials
curl -v --retry 5 --retry-delay 5 -XPOST ""; \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"email”:”f...@bar.com", "name”:"foobar”}'
Another way I have tried to
Not sure what to advise. Your configs look ok.
I just downloaded a fresh copy of Riak CS 2.0.1, Stanchion, and a fresh
Riak 2.
I set up the configs just as you have (changing only the paths in
advanced.config to match my machine).
Cutting and pasting your curl line seems to result in correct
Just to clarify what I'm trying to accomplish. I'm trying to translate the
http solr query into using RiakSearchRequest/RiakFluentSearch.
I've gotten this far but I cannot figure out how to do grouping in solr
using .net:
using (var cluster = RiakCluster.FromConfig("riakConfig"))
Hi Ben,
Just to double-check:
1) is Stanchion installed and running, when you try to create the user?
(and the stanchion_host entry is pointing to it, in cs config?)
2) is anonymous_user_creation = on in the config file?
3) do you have 'buckets.default.allow_mult = true' in the Riak config file?
I've almost completed the cluster setup but am running into issues with
anonymous user creation. All machines ping/pong and their IPs are matching.
When I run the curl command to create an anonymous user:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPOST http://**:8080/riak-cs/user
--data '{"em
> I think that I need to extend my Riak cluster with more nodes to increase
> performance.
It can be a simple solution if your cluster just faced over capacity
on most/all nodes. However, it would be better to make sure a fact by
reading logs, and monitoring system resources.
> I think that
>> Which is used for memory mapped file, I think.
> No, that's wrong. Ignore it.
That was correct. If I use solr.NRTCachingDirectoryFactory, FSDirectory
picks MMapDirectory, which uses mmap for 64bit JRE.
Hi Ben,
The memory size of your nodes looks rather small. I wrote a section
for such environment to design right configurations. Hope you could
take a look.
On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 3:30 AM, B
14 matches
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