Re: Java Riak client can't handle a Riak node failure?

2015-10-13 Thread Vanessa Williams
Hi Dmitri, your point about r=2 is noted. I'll probably go with that. The thing I have to decide is how to reconcile duplicates. For the time being I can tolerate some stale data/inconsistency (caused by r=1). But for the future I would prefer not to risk that. Thanks to everyone for their help wi

Re: Java Riak client can't handle a Riak node failure?

2015-10-13 Thread Vanessa Williams
Alexander, thanks for that reminder. Yes, n_val = 2 would suit us better. I'll look into getting that tested. Regards, Vanessa On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 1:04 PM, Alexander Sicular wrote: > Greetings and salutations, Vanessa. > > I am obliged to point out that running n_val of 3 (or more) is highly

Re: Riak-KV and Spring

2015-10-13 Thread Jon Brisbin
Jagan, We don't have updated support in Spring Data for the latest Riak releases. The Java client is very capable on its own (but somewhat verbose if you're used to using SD repos). I recently wrote an example app that uses Boot and the Riak Java client to ingest IoT data. It's located here: htt

Riak does not have primary partitions running ?

2015-10-13 Thread Mohamad Taufiq
Whar is the right solution if i have partition not running in my cluster when i execute riak-admin transfers command ? ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak CS - Unable to create/view bucket details using dragon disk

2015-10-13 Thread Mohamad Taufiq
Riak cs fast track would answer your question On Oct 13, 2015 21:30, "Shawn Debnath" wrote: > I have been using with success to do the dirty work with Riak > CS. Here’s a snippet from my docker setup files. I use the same methodology > in production. > > 187 # CREATE CS BUCKET AND APP

Re: Riak CS - Unable to create/view bucket details using dragon disk

2015-10-13 Thread Shawn Debnath
I have been using with success to do the dirty work with Riak CS. Here’s a snippet from my docker setup files. I use the same methodology in production. 187 # CREATE CS BUCKET AND APPLY ACL 188 ## 189 bin/ \ 190 --debug \ 191 --id ${RIAK_ADMIN_KEY} \

Re: Deleted keys come back

2015-10-13 Thread mtakahashi-ivi
>Can you tell us more about that? How do siblings affect the results of search in your case? When I checked last year, search result and stats result includes sibling object. Search result and stats count includes sibling object. It's complicated to handle with the result. $ curl -sS http://:/type

Re: Riak CS - Unable to create/view bucket details using dragon disk

2015-10-13 Thread G
Hi Shino, I tried multiple times with the access key and secret key configured in riak-cs.conf. But I'm unable to create or view buckets using s3 cmd. Could you let me know if there is any documentation for this? My aim to create buckets, upload objects to riak buckets from a HTTP interface sim