Using riak 2.1.1/riak-cs 2.0.1
I want to use CS as a large object store without authentication.
Riak-cs will not start when I use riak_cs_s3_passthru_auth
auth_module = riak_cs_s3_passthru_auth
riak-users mailing list
I'd like to create a riak-cs user with a pre-set key/secret and am following
the workaround from This is works
when I type it into the interactive riak-cs console, however I want to script
this in a non-interactive fashion.
I've created a sma
Looks like thet the issue is that some time ago I deleted my bitcask and
AAE directory. Before this I had made a strongly consistent bucket and had
some data in it, but upon deleting those dirs, the data from the strongly
consistent bucket dissapeared, however the bucket type info persisted. That
Riak uses a logging library called lager that traps the output from SASL
logging, so you should not need to set anything up.
You can either apply the lager parse transform to your commit hook code and
then you should be able to use lager:error/2, lager:warning/2, lager:info/2
to write to the
Now after adding one more node I have almost classic situation, but
solution does not work for it. Any ideas?
# riak-admin ring-status
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