What is "api2.cloud-datayes.com"? Your s3cfg attached at the first one
in this email thread
does not include it. Please make sure you provide correct / consistent
information to
debug the issue.
- What is your riak cs config "cs_root_host"?
- What is your host_base in s3cfg that you USE?
- What is
The result of "s3cmd ls" (aka, GET Service API) indicates there
is no bucket with name "stock":
> root@cluster-s3-hd1:~# s3cmd ls
> 2013-12-01 06:45 s3://test
Have you created it?
Shunichi Shinohara
Basho Japan KK
On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 10:14 AM, changmao wang wrote:
> Shunichi,
> Than
Thanks for your reply. Below is my command result:
root@cluster-s3-hd1:~# s3cmd ls
2013-12-01 06:45 s3://test
root@cluster-s3-hd1:~# s3cmd info s3://stock
ERROR: Access to bucket 'stock' was denied
root@cluster-s3-hd1:~# s3cmd info s3://stock -d
DEBUG: ConfigParser: Reading file '/root/
The error message in console.log shows no user with access_key in your s3cfg.
Could you provide resutls following commands?
- s3cmd ls
- s3cmd info s3://stock
If error happens, debug print switch "-d" of s3cmd might help.