Re: Default values vs non-existing keys for CRDTs

2015-08-19 Thread Dmitri Zagidulin
>From what I understand, this is a limitation of that particular client (what language is that, by the way?). Feel free to open an issue on Github for it. The HTTP API, at least, does distinguish between a non-existent counter and a counter whose value happens to be 0. For example, here's the res

Default values vs non-existing keys for CRDTs

2015-08-19 Thread Timur Fayruzov
Hello, It seems that Riak Datatype API does not allow to distinguish between non-existing keys and default values. For example, if I query for non-existing key as follows: val fetchOp = new FetchCounter.Builder(key).build() val c = client.execute(fetchOp).getDatatype I'll get a counter that hold