Riak CS 2 backend config confusion

2015-06-01 Thread Toby Corkindale
Hi I'm in the process of moving from a Riak 1.4.x w/CS installation, to a Riak CS 2 installation, and I'm confused by comments in the riak.conf compared to the documentation online for riak cs, regarding the backend. riak.conf contains the following lines: ## Specifies the storage engine used fo

Re: SolrSpatial Problem

2015-06-01 Thread Drew Kerrigan
Hello Sinh Here is a working example of the setup for a "find all records within X miles of a lat,lon point": https://gist.github.com/drewkerrigan/c7cabcbc46c10957248e Without digging too much into the exact problem you're encountering, I think at a high level you should not be attempting to mod

SolrSpatial Problem

2015-06-01 Thread sinh nguyen
My goal is trying to retrieve all locations within a boundary using Solr function IsWithin(Polygon()). I am using 2.1.1 and follow this documentation from solr https://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrAdaptersForLuceneSpatial4. First, I downloaded schema from Basho git hub https://raw.githubusercontent.co

Lager 3.0 coming soon

2015-06-01 Thread Mark Allen
(Sorry if you already saw this on erlang-questions. But on the off chance you don't read it...) Basho has been working on an update[1] to lager to support multiple event sinks so different behaviors can be configured based on type of message. Security audit information, for example, may have di

Upgrading from 1.2.1 to 2.1.1

2015-06-01 Thread Konstantin Kalin
Just want to check if I understand the documentation correctly. In order to upgrade my cluster I from version 1.2.1 to 2.1.1 I need to do two steps of the rolling upgrade: 1) 1.2.1 ->1.4.12 2) 1.4.12 -> 2.1.1 Is it correct? I'm using only bitcask backend only and I think one bucket has about 200M

Re: upgrading a node in a 27 nodes cluster

2015-06-01 Thread Damien Krotkine
Thanks Matt, I'll silence it then. Cheers, Damien On Mon, Jun 1, 2015, at 05:44 PM, Matt Brender wrote: > > Hey Damien, > > I followed up internally and had Brian Sparrow share the details: > > This is just saying that an operation took longer than a configurable > threshold. It can safely be ig

Re: upgrading a node in a 27 nodes cluster

2015-06-01 Thread Matt Brender
Hey Damien,  I followed up internally and had Brian Sparrow share the details:  This is just saying that an operation took longer than a configurable threshold. It can safely be ignored. I believe the default threshold is 1ms. Looks like this was disabled in earlier versions but was re-e

Upgrading 1 node in a 27 nodes cluster

2015-06-01 Thread Damien Krotkine
Hi, In a cluster with 27 nodes, running 2.0.0, I upgraded one node to 2.1.1 (riak-2.1.1-1.el6.x86_64.rpm). Since them, this node is producing these kind of logs, every couple of minutes: 2015-05-27 14:56:31.978 [info] <0.94.0>@riak_core_sysmon_handler:handle_event:92 monitor long_schedule <0.12