Hello All,
I found it on the FAQ that using hostnames instead of IP addresses will
incur a overhead! Will it be a significant overhead? I believe that if a
hostname is queried during startup, the same will be used through the life
of the VM or in an optimized case till the DNS TTL expires!!
Hi Santi,
Riak's Protocol Buffers interface doesn't currently support the full range
of Solr queries, this was done to keep it compatible with the old Riak 1.x
search interface.
If you need to use any search properties beyond those provided by Riak
clients, you'll need to query with a Solr driver
For development, I have a single-node Riak 1.4 cluster that I'm
connecting to with the Java client 2.0.1. Both client and server are
running on the same node, connecting via localhost.
Every now and then, an update operation ... hangs. On the console I
see this strange error:
12:21:46.646 [nioEve
Thanks Alex
Will do. The https://github.com/basho/riak-java-client/issues/512 is causing
issues on several platforms at the moment
On Tuesday, 28 April 2015 at 03:39, Alex Moore wrote:
> Hi Cos,
> We will continue to support and develop the Java client.
> With Roach's departu