Re: Object metadata via NodeJS client

2015-04-08 Thread Luke Bakken
José, Check out the following methods in the document: hasLinks() getLinks() setLinks() -- Luke Bakken Engineer On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 8:56 AM, Jose G. Quenum wrote: > Thanks a bunch Luke. It's now getting cl

Dead connections with load balancer

2015-04-08 Thread Vitaliy E
Dear group, Our application connects to a Riak cluster via a load balancer (Radware Alteon), and we encounter problems whenever a Riak connection stays inactive for a while. What we think happens is that the load balancer removes its session that corresponds to the connection without closing the c

Re: Object metadata via NodeJS client

2015-04-08 Thread Jose G. Quenum
Thanks a bunch Luke. It's now getting clear. However the links manipulation is not available yet on the API docs. I guess it's just a matter of update. I will now start re implementing my riak data access with this client. When I get questions I will turn to you guys. Regards Jose Sent from my

Riak 2.0.0 Pre/Post commit error

2015-04-08 Thread Humberto Rodriguez
Hello everyone, I have been trying to follow the examples of hooks, but allways obtained an error (see below).  I am using Riak 2.0.0. These are the commands that I am using.curl -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"props":{"precom