Some questions:
- what version of Riak are you running? logs suggest 1.4.7
- how many nodes in your cluster?
- what is the physical memory (RAM size) of each node?
- would you send the leveldb LOG files from one of the crashed servers:
tar -czf satish_LOG.tgz /vol/lib/riak/leveldb/*
My RIak installation has been running successfully for about a year. This
week nodes suddenly started randomly crashing. The machines have plenty of
memory and free disk space, and looking in the ring directory nothing
appears to amiss:
[ec2-user@ip-10-196-72-247 ~]$ ls -l /vol/lib/riak/ring
When you change the conflict resolution settings, you change conflict
resolution subsequent to that point - but you already generated siblings before
your change.
It is not necessary to restart Riak after changing bucket-type or bucket
Are you still generating siblings or
Hi Luke,
Thanks, will have a try.
2014-12-04 0:46 GMT+08:00 Luke Bakken :
> Yang,
> Please use the default schema to create your own to fit your needs:
> More information is availabl
I know what makes a difference in groovy
with anotation
everything works as in java
but why? and why this is a problem with java client 2.0 only - no idea?
View this message in context:
I have got no clue why in Groove it does not work.
But in meantime (in Java)
I've got another problem - when running
I want to achieve HTTP equivalent
curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"
http://localhost:8098/mapred -d