No, I restarted riak.
2014-11-26 1:56 GMT+08:00 Eric Redmond :
> Did you reload the index as Geoff wrote?
> On Nov 25, 2014, at 9:54 AM, Yang Zhenguo wrote:
> Hi Alexander,
> As I understood, If I dont re-write each key, I can not search the old
> objects. But I did the following steps
If you’re evaluating RiakCS vs. Ceph you might want to toss LeoFS[1] in the mix
and give it a run. Just as RiakCS it is a dynamo inspired system build in
Erlang and comes with the same advantages and disadvantages. But unlike RiakCS
it is pretty much exclusive a Object Store so can take a few di
Ali -
Thank you for opening issue I’m looking at the
issue and I’ll update it with my findings, too.
On November 25, 2014 at 4:06:35 AM, Ali Rıza KELEŞ (
I had some problem while trying to do map
Agreed, that’s a useful article, highly recommended.
On Nov 25, 2014, at 2:03 PM, Troy Melhase wrote:
> Lots of insight here:
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 1:47 PM, John Daily wrote:
> I’ve written
Lots of insight here:
On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 1:47 PM, John Daily wrote:
> I’ve written a bit about modeling patterns at
> I expanded a bit on it in contributio
I’ve written a bit about modeling patterns at
I expanded a bit on it in contributions to the latest version of Eric Redmond’s
outstanding (make sure to grab one of the downloads,
the HTML is out of date).
On Nov
Did you reload the index as Geoff wrote?
On Nov 25, 2014, at 9:54 AM, Yang Zhenguo wrote:
> Hi Alexander,
> As I understood, If I dont re-write each key, I can not search the old
> objects. But I did the following steps:
> 1. insert a new data;
> 2. search the new data with new field. (doe
Hi Eric,
Thanks a lot. Two more questions:
1. If I dont rewrite every value in Step 2, what's the result?
2. where is the index directories by default?
2014-11-26 1:44 GMT+08:00 Eric Redmond :
> Yes, to be clear, there are currently a few options to reindex a schema
> change. A
Hi Alexander,
As I understood, If I dont re-write each key, I can not search the old
objects. But I did the following steps:
1. insert a new data;
2. search the new data with new field. (doesn't work)
Any idea?
2014-11-26 1:35 GMT+08:00 Alexander Sicular :
> You basically need
Yes, to be clear, there are currently a few options to reindex a schema change.
After you update the schema, you can:
1. create a new index and reattach
2. rewrite every value inline
3. delete the index directories on every node and let AAE rebuild them
The new change will create a 4th option:
You basically need to read and re-write each key as Geoff says. Hopefully this
gets automated in the future in some fashion.
Sent from my iRotaryPhone
> On Nov 25, 2014, at 12:31, Geoff Garbers wrote:
> Hey Zhenguo.
> I've actually ju
Hey Zhenguo.
I've actually just gone through something similar myself recently.
I found that the most reliable way to do this is as follows:
1. Update the schema (as you have shown)
2. Attach to the Erlang console on each node, and run
3. List all keys
Hi Eric,
I did the following steps, still not work.
1. delete the old search index
2. create a new search index (first time I used the same name, and second
time I used a different name)
3. sudo riak-admin bucket-type update solution_t ..
I check the bucket type by "sudo riak-admin bucket-ty
I'm experimenting with Riak and trying out with some of our use cases. Our
basic requirement is to have better response times with low latency and
hence moving away from costly joins in RDBMS.
While modelling, for some of the mappings I can model them as muitiple
key-value pairs or use combination
Any other options? :)
2014-11-26 0:42 GMT+08:00 Eric Redmond :
> Yes, that is one of the options.
> Eric
> On Nov 25, 2014, at 8:40 AM, Yang Zhenguo wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Any suggestion for my requirement? create a new search index?
> Regards,
> Zhenguo
> 2014-11-26 0:24 GMT+08:00
Yes, that is one of the options.
On Nov 25, 2014, at 8:40 AM, Yang Zhenguo wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Any suggestion for my requirement? create a new search index?
> Regards,
> Zhenguo
> 2014-11-26 0:24 GMT+08:00 Eric Redmond :
> Automatic updating of indexes due to schema changes do
Hi Eric,
Any suggestion for my requirement? create a new search index?
2014-11-26 0:24 GMT+08:00 Eric Redmond :
> Automatic updating of indexes due to schema changes doesn't exist yet.
> It'll be added soon:
> Eric
> On Nov
Automatic updating of indexes due to schema changes doesn't exist yet. It'll be
added soon:
On Nov 25, 2014, at 8:21 AM, Yang Zhenguo wrote:
> I have an existed schema and I want to add one column in it, such as
> What's the steps to
I have an existed schema and I want to add one column in it, such as
What's the steps to update it?
Since there is the search_index related to the schema and a bucket type
related to the search_index.
I tried to update the schema by the following commands:
{ok, SchemaData} = file:read_file("c
That was it, thanks! I didn't add strong consistency = on to my riak.conf.
On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 9:54 AM, Steve Vinoski
On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 9:27 AM, Igor Birman wrote:
I am starting to test consistent buckets but can't get them to work. I built a
new VM
On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 9:27 AM, Igor Birman wrote:
> I am starting to test consistent buckets but can't get them to work. I
> built a new VM with Ubuntu 14.04 64bit, server, installed Riak using the
> script, and am trying to run:
> riak attach
> riak_ensemble_manager:enable()
I am starting to test consistent buckets but can't get them to work. I built a
new VM with Ubuntu 14.04 64bit, server, installed Riak using the script, and am trying to run:
riak attachriak_ensemble_manager:enable().
I get the following back:
** exception exit: {noproc,{gen_serve
I had some problem while trying to do map/reduce on a bucket of 'maps
type' with official python client.
My bucket name is 'cars' and bucket type is maps
# bucket
query = client.add( # is 'cars'"function(v) { var data = JSON.parse(v.values[0].data);
23 matches
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