Hello, I am trying to use the MapReduce function that comes along with the
Java API. I am using this code:
IRiakClient client = RiakFactory.pbcClient("",
Bucket myBucket = client.fetchBucket("Productos").execute();
//Bucket called Productos
I have a cluster of RHEL 6 test servers currently running 1.4.10. I'd like
to install 2.0.2 on these servers along side of 1.4.10, without building
from source. I need the ability to switch between both while testing our
application with the latest Riak. Both versions do not need to be running
at t
Hey Brian, so I added the no-arg constructor, and it seems to work. Now, I
don't know why it takes so long running the task... The only thing that
shows now is this in the console:
java.io.IOException: Error receiving outputs: normal
Again, I am using this code:
Jackson (the JSON library we use and the thing throwing that error)
requires your class to have a no-arg constructor so it can instantiate
it via reflection.
- Ro
Hello, I am trying to get the MapReduce to run using my cluster. I have a
3-node cluster[,,] up and running.
I am trying with this example:
IRiakClient client = RiakFactory.pbcClient("",
Bucket myBucket = client.
Hello Luke, I've come to have new questions about RIAK. I have the 3-node
cluster up and running, I have stored some data in the cluster using a
Bucket called "Productos". In that bucket, I have stored java objects of a
class "Product", which has the following attributes: ID,Name,Description,
Hi all,
I have some quick (hopefully!) questions around Riak search.
1. I'm getting multiple documents returned in the search results for a
query - which I assume is based on the n_val of my bucket as I tried to
change the search index to have a n_val of 1 but got an error that it
needed to match