Thanks! The map/reduce function being executed
is map_get_old_processed_files/3:
The request is (in Javascript):
var request = {
inputs: ['fs_files', accountId + '.processed.files'],
query: [{
map: {
Haven't tried it out but should stats be an array?
And the query would be something like
Stats_name = stat1 and stats_value > 1
I think the extractor flattens everything and separates with underscores.
Sent from my iRotaryPhone
> On Oct 2
Hi All, I'm trying to determine if a use case is supported by Yokozuna or
With a stored value that looks like:
{"id": 1, "stats": { "name": "stat1", "value": 1 }, {"name": "stat2",
"value": 5}}
{"id": 2, "stats": { "name": "stat3", "value": 2 }, {"name": "stat1",
"value": 3}}
{"id": 3, "sta
Can you please send the map-reduce job you tried to run and I would be happy to
debug it.
> On Oct 25, 2014, at 22:51, Oleksiy Krivoshey wrote:
> Hi!
> Once in a few days I got the following error in my Riak cluster:
> 2014-10-25 03:01:23.731 [error] <0.221.0> Supervisor ri
Once in a few days I got the following error in my Riak cluster:
2014-10-25 03:01:23.731 [error] <0.221.0> Supervisor riak_pipe_fitting_sup
had child undefined started with riak_pipe_fitting:start_link() at
<0.22692.2455> exit with reason noproc in context shutdown_err
2014-10-25 05:00:09.