This mailing list entry was discussed a bit in IRC today. Below are a few notes
from the exchange between Tyler and our very own Joe Caswell. Hopefully they
help provide some insight into Riak CS GC for others:
- Riak CS data blocks are stored in Bitcask.
- `riak-admin vnode-status` outputs sev
Well, maybe you had deleted your objects when you set leeway_second
with 1 day, and later you changed leeway_second to 5min? Changing
leeway_second won't change deletion timing of already deleted objects.
FYI, maybe it's not what you want, but there's a detailed description
[1] on internal design
Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to have made a difference.
I did restart the riak-cs process after updating the app.config. Triggering a
riak-cs-gc batch did trigger a job, but did not seem to yield any results.
I’m a bit concerned that I’m unable to root cause the issue here. Is there some