Never mind. This was an error with underlying Javascript protobuf
On 17 April 2014 18:33, Oleksiy Krivoshey wrote:
> The same error happens when using '_yz_default' schema with index.
> On 16 April 2014 22:03, Oleksiy Krivoshey wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I'm trying to update yok
We have a 5-node Riak cluster and we're having problems keeping the HTTPS
listener running properly. The problem typically manifests itself a few
hours after Riak is started. When it happens, the HTTPS listener on a Riak
node will accept new connections but will never respond to them.
Connections m
Sorry,I miss up,since Last and [{_, N}|Rest] is not the same list.
On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 4:06 PM, chuang wrote:
> In the source of riak_core_gossip(version 1.4.8),there is a function
> source below:
> 451 attempt_simple_transfer(Seed, Ring, [{_, N}|Rest], TargetN, Exit, Idx,
> Last) ->
> 4
In the source of riak_core_gossip(version 1.4.8),there is a function source
451 attempt_simple_transfer(Seed, Ring, [{_, N}|Rest], TargetN, Exit, Idx,
Last) ->
452 %% just keep track of seeing this node
453 attempt_simple_transfer(Seed, Ring, Rest, TargetN, Exit, Idx+1,