Hi all,
I just wanted to follow up point #10 with a small update. There seems to be
a bigger interest among .NET people in Brisbane, so the Azure meetup group
is now pairing up with the Queensland MSDN UG to host the event on the 10th
of April instead of the 20th March.
Updated details here for t
Hi Joachim,
The problem with your code is here:
The way the API flow works is just like doing a store and fetch; the
Bucket.delete() method returns a DeleteObject on which you then call
.execute() to actually perform the operation:
I am trying to delete items using the Java client, but for some reason, the
data is still there when I try to get it out later.
I have posted the relevant parts of the Java Class performing the deletion
here: https://gist.github.com/joachimhs/5171629
The following unit test fails on t
Looks like you're running a JS map-reduce job. Scanning the code of
riak_kv_w_reduce, it looks like the culprit could be line 270, … something in
the middle of running a JS map/reduce job with an Erlang Fun object which is
incompatible across releases.
It looks like with the present 1.3.0 code
we have a 12 nodes cluster running riak 1.2.1 which went live a week
ago. Yesterday, suddenly from one minute to another the put_fsm_time_95
and the get_fsm_time_95 raised from something below 100ms up to several
seconds. This went on for about 25 min and than went away.
Checking the ria
I'm upgrading nodes from 1.2.1 to 1.3 and also changing the backend to
eleveldb to use secondary indexes.
I'm following the steps as;
1. on a node i run riak-admin cluster leave
2. after that node shuts down, I upgrade to 1.3 and update config files
to eleveldb
3. after cleaning up the di