We have a similar scenario, but for a different purpose, N developers,
each developer PC add a prefix to the keys base on the host, with that,
we can use on the development env the same 5 nodes cluster without
conflicting between each other or overwriting anyone else's data, so far
mistakes are
Hi Ian,
Q: Why does this happen on a restart only and not at other times, even though
we have set our merge_window config setting to 'always'?
A: The merge_window setting defaults to always and that simply means that
bitcask will merge anytime the merge_triggers and thresholds set in the
I see..
So we'd trust developers (well, just me at the moment), not mess the other
app up?
As one can say, add a link to an /*app1*.user/johnsmith to
by mistake?
Different scenario, what about uat vs prod?
I suppose a separate cluster would make good sense? ie, 2 x 10 nod
Neither or both mixed? You could have prefixes per buckets and have N
applications per cluster and add a 5 nodes cluster as needed, so that
you can host as many per cluster, that way you know each bucket prefix
point to an specific app.
Hope that helps,
On 19/01/13 17:26, Jeremiah Pes
That really depends on what you hope to accomplish.
If you want both applications to have the same performance characteristics,
then go with option 1.
If you want the fun of troubleshooting two applications to figure out why
one application is having performance problems, go with option 2.
Is the
Hi guys,
I knew a similar questions have been asked, but would like to find out what
are some sensible ways to deploy riak for both for multiple applications,
or even uat + prod environments.
Let's assume I have a budget for 10 servers.
I have two applications I wish to deploy into PROD (hence n