So here's what I can get for the code from mochi_web:parse_header:
%% @spec parse_header(string()) -> {Type, [{K, V}]}
%% @doc Parse a Content-Type like header, return the main Content-Type
%% and a property list of options.
parse_header(String) ->
%% TODO: This is exactly as broken as
Hi Erik / Mailing list participants --
After a decent amount of research I believe the timeout in the crash report is
unrelated to the timeout specified in the specification of the mr. The reduce
step itself is ok -- the mr succeeds much of the time. But when the data set
is too large we ofte
It's Ubuntu 11.10. I'm using the Travis Vagrant image, so you can
download that and try it if you like:
The rough steps I did were:
gem install vagrant
vagrant box add travis-standard
I just tried on OS X and Ubuntu 11.10 and got the expected results on both so
I'm not sure what could be going on. What version of Ubuntu were you trying?
On Jul 20, 2012, at 6:12 PM, Paul Gross wrote:
> I'm seeing different results when performing a 2i query with spaces on
> di
Two things come to mind given your `bad_crc` error. Either a hintfile is
corrupt or one or more entries in the data files is corrupt. My guess is
the latter since this happens during a fold operation. I think code exists
to automatically purge corrupted entries but my knowledge of bitcas