Re: The Right erlang client?

2012-01-27 Thread Alin Popa
Hi Jeremey, Sorry, I'm not one of the 'Basho folks', like you named them :), but I would say that Erlang client (riak_object) is the one used only for internal purposes, as opposed to Erlang Pb Client, which is the one that should you use when you're building your erlang applications. Nevertheles

The Right erlang client?

2012-01-27 Thread Jeremey Barrett
All, and especially Basho folks, what is the Right client to use from Erlang? I've been using the PB client, but dealing with the strange difference between riakc_obj and riak_object is making me question that choice. Is there a better answer? If not, is there a recommended practice for dealing

Re: Very (very) slow handoff, how to investigate?

2012-01-27 Thread Joseph Blomstedt
Gal, 0.5 to 1 MB/s is indeed painfully slow. A few questions: What backend are you running: bitcask,leveldb, etc? Are you using the local ephemeral storage, or running off EBS? Are you running any software RAID? What filesystem are you running? Which OS are you using? Have you changed any of Riak

Re: Very (very) slow handoff, how to investigate?

2012-01-27 Thread Ian Plosker
Gal, You could try using `riak attach` and running the following to increase the handoff_concurrency from 1 to 4: application:set_env(riak_core, handoff_concurrency, 4). You will need to do this on all nodes. This will only remain in effect as long as the nodes remain running. If you wish to

Re: Very (very) slow handoff, how to investigate?

2012-01-27 Thread Gal Barnea
Hi Ian Thanks for the informative answer, I am using 1.0.3 indeed. A day later, the cluster is making progress, but than I saw this in the console.log: 2012-01-27 08:51:32.643 [info] <0.30733.2881>@riak_core_handoff_sender:start_fold:87 Handoff of partition riak_kv_vnode 50239118783249787813 2516