On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 7:51 PM, Ken Perkins wrote:
> What could be causing the delay on the rackspace VM? Is it purely a VM
> performance issue, or is there something else going on.
The blessing of the cloud: It hides the Hard Stuff.
The curse of the cloud: It hides the Hard Stuff. :)
First ord
Thanks again for all the pointers. After much digging I found the
issue. We have UTF8 validation on the most data we put into riak (our
events bucket), but weren't validating UTF8 on some objects that are
linked to by many other objects (group bucket). Consequently some
malformed UTF8 (that display
I've got two 5 node riak-search rings. Both of them are using virtualized 2gb
Ubuntu 10.04 VMs. One ring is on linode, the other is on rackspace. Both are
identical binaries (14.2)
When I run search-cmd set-schema on a machine on
the linode ring, it returns nearly instantly.
When I run the s
While not fool-proof, one idea might be to generate a random string for each
test-block, and prefix any bucket names with said string. While it depends
on what you're doing, I think something like this should work for the bulk
of your tests.
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 9:42 AM, Jared Morrow w
Hi, Phil.
I might have caused a little confusion. I mentioned, but perhaps
didn't sufficiently emphasize, that the benchmark comparing LevelDB to
InnoDB was not a benchmark of Riak at all, but just directly talking
to the storage engines in order to look at the feasibility of doing
more with Level
I'll add something to virtualized option. If you start the vm's from a
snapshot vm that is already running, but with riak stopped, you could
possibly get it started and running in a couple of minutes or less. If
that is reasonable for your test suite, that seems like a good option.
that certainly sounds possible, but would extend the run time of your test
suite quite considerably, e.g. when you start a fresh set of virtualized
instances on every run.
An alternative would be to always leave a Riak cluster running for testing
purposes and reset it after or before
As part of our test suite I'd like to start a three node cluster for the
testing purposes.
Could anyone [please! :)] comment on feasibility/possibility of such a
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riak-users mailing
Can you share some LevelDB config examples?
I've built latest from github and know that I've got the elevedb
make devrel is producing a {storage_backend, riak_kv_bitcask_backend} ... is
it as simple as changing this to riak_kv_eleveldb_backend?
Perhaps I missed it ... but did you
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 4:24 PM, Will Moss wrote:
> I know you guys are busy working on various new features, is this going to
> make it into the next production release? Is there a date for that? Is there
> somewhere to look at your road map so I don't have to spam the list?
Hi Will,
Yes, the
You don't necessarily have to reindex your data. Copying over the data
directories from the old Riak instances should do.
Mathias Meyer
Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies
On Montag, 11. Juli 2011 at 14:58, Muhammad Yousaf wrote:
> Thanks Mathias & Sylvain,
> Everything works fine on sec
1.) You can include custom headers stored with Riak objects, using the
X-Riak-Meta-. These are specific for every Riak object.
2.) To allow just GET requests you'll be better off putting an HTTP aware
filter or reverse proxy in front of your Riak cluster, which explicitly only
enables G
I just started with learning documentation and playing with Riak so I have
few questions:
1. Can I set custom HTTP headers for HTTP API?
2. Can I enable e.x. just HTTP GET requests?
And general question:
e.x. I have list of zip codes and want to expose that data via REST(just for
13 matches
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