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- Samuel Vijakumar
Samuel Vijakumar Madireddy
Solution Architect at CSS Corp
Chennai Area, India
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Bitcask-ruby now implements the keydir and knows how to use hintfiles.
It's now capable of loading 62,000 keys (from a 535mb bitcask) in 1.5
seconds. We're using this at Showyou to list keys and run various
analytics without blocking Riak.
On 6/11/11 5:18 PM, Sean Cribbs wrote:
There are a number of reasons I have been holding off supporting manual
secondary indexes, not the least of which is the upcoming support in Riak
Are these like secondary keys or something that can be used to retrieve ranges
in sorted order?
You might also find Nathaniel Talbott's add-on useful:
Sean Cribbs
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.
On Jun 11, 2011, at 4:55 PM, Thomas Fee wrote:
> Hi all, but mainly directed at Sean Cribbs ...
> From the slides at
Jeremiah is on target, by the way. Also, you have been able to use a property
as a key for a long time, e.g.:
class Person
include Ripple::Document
property :name, String
key_on :name
There are a number of reasons I have been holding off supporting manual
secondary indexes, not the l
I think that slide is a list of features that need to be implemented. Indexes
are "coming soon" and will be announced(ish) at OSCON:
It's possible to roll your own secondary indexes. There are a few good blog
posts that have been writt
Hi all, but mainly directed at Sean Cribbs ...
>From the slides at , slide
number 143 in particular, it seems that Ripple already supports indexes,
because that item is highlighted on the slide. However, I can't see any
mention of it
1) Make sure you install the search hook BEFORE storing the document.
Only documents stored after the index was installed will be indexed.
2) Try PUT from the command line to see if you have any errors.
You should get a 204 No Content.
3) Perhaps remove the quotes on th