bug after ~10K get/store requests

2011-01-27 Thread Paco NATHAN
We're seeing a repeatable error -- running some tests with Riak 0.14.0-1 on Ubuntu, with PHP 5.3.3-1ubuntu9.3 We have a load test, using the PHP client, which stores then gets 1MM objects. This is being run against both Riak and MySQL as part of a performance evaluation suite. The MySQL side runs

Re: Short read error on .store() with protobufs using Python client

2011-01-27 Thread Bob Feldbauer
Hi Jon, Yes, your jdm-msglen-fix tree seems to resolve the issue for me; however, I'm only currently using (and likewise only testing) .store() operations with the python client. With the un-patched version, the issue occurred for me every time I tried to store data -- of course, my data is p

Re: Short read error on .store() with protobufs using Python client

2011-01-27 Thread Jon Meredith
Hi Bob/Nico/Gary Thanks for submitting the pull request. I took a look at the patch and would prefer to keep the packet length check in, but just move it to the right place. I'm unable to reproduce the issue locally, but wondered if you'd be able to try out the https://github.com/basho/riak-pyt

Re: Riak map reduce returning all results

2011-01-27 Thread Jeremiah Peschka
mapValuesJson ( https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/blob/master/priv/mapred_builtins.js#L45) takes a JSON formatted string and returns it as a JavaScript object. You'll still need to do something with it to make the magic happen. mr = Riak::MapReduce.new(client) mr.add("stocks") mr.map("function(valu

Riak map reduce returning all results

2011-01-27 Thread Joshua Partogi
Hi all, I am trying to do map reduce with the ruby client as such: client = Ripple.client Riak::MapReduce.new(client). add("stocks"). map("Riak.mapValuesJson", :arg => "GOOG", :keep => true) where the JSON document inside the bucket is as such: { "abr" : "GOOG

Re: running erlang map phases via REST API

2011-01-27 Thread Dan Reverri
This commit looks interesting. A lot of changes were made to map reduce in 0.14 so I am not sure it will work in it's current form. I think we would only need to include the changes in riak_kv_mapred_json.erl and riak_kv_mapred_query.erl. Within riak_kv_mapred_query.erl we can convert the function