I am new to Riak but am starting to get familiar with it. I've been going
through the "Riak Fast Track" tutorial, and am using the riak-client Ruby gem.
Sadly, I think I have found some broken behavior in the Ruby client. I'm
hoping maybe the maintainer of the riak-client gem can help?
Disregard. I reinstalled the python client from source and that solved the
riak-users mailing list
I'm using the following code in the python interpreter to make a few tests of
the python client:
>>> import riak
>>> client = riak.RiakClient('', 8098)
>>> mybucket = client.bucket('mybucket')
>>> obj = mybucket.new('myobject')
>>> obj.set_data({ 'foo': 1, 'bar': 2})
>>> obj.store()